Help Me Study For Stanford CS193P

Are you an iPhone developer? Me neither! But I’d like to be…

I have been trying hard to get into the material provided free of charge by Stanford for their CS193P course covering Cocoa Programming (iPhone Application Programming).

July seems the perfect month to quit procrastinating, and start learning – the original course started in April, the 1st of which was a Wednesday, just as this July.

You can download the iTunes U podcasts to follow all the lectures, and download all the course material on the Stanford website for CS193P. If you’d like to get all the information in one fell swoop, I’ve created a torrent file for CS193P with all the files you will require. It is about 11GB.

I can be reached at jayrobinson[dot]name[at]gmail[dot]com, or on AIM as jayrobinson[at]me[dot]com. More information can be found on my website,

I bought my developer’s license from Apple to help give me the financial encouragement, so I’m sure I will be frequenting the developer’s forums.

Care to join me?



