Nerd Thanksgiving

I recently went back to The Setup to read Jeffrey Zeldman’s interview and ended up reading Khoi Vinh’s interview as well. If you’re not familiar with this website, it asks Web nerds what tools they use to get the job done.

What I read there surprised me. I realized I use the same machines at home and at work as my web design idols. Web design is not a processor intensive job–most of what you need is an Internet connection and a text editor. But for some reason I had always envisioned Jeffrey Zeldman sitting down to some monstrosity of technology like Hugh Jackman in Swordfish.

But no, they use 24″ iMacs, the same as I use at work and home.

The apologist or procrastinator in all of us would say that ambitious project “just needs to wait” until we get a maxed-out MacBook Pro or Mac Pro with dual 30″ displays. But all that separates us from our idols is good old fashioned elbow grease.

This Thanksgiving I’m thankful I know that the only thing separating me from my dreams is the time and effort I’m willing to invest.




