The Big Lebowski Alignment Chart


>Big Lebowski Alignment Chart

So, this[1] has been making the rounds over the past few days.

It’s not wrong[2], but there are a few corrections I’d make:

  • Walter is Lawful Good. He’s far too rule-bound to be Chaotic.

  • The Dude is Chaotic Good. While being basically Good, he’s pretty much the definition of Chaotic, bouncing from situation to situation, without any real plan.

  • The Stranger is True Neutral, as evidenced by the quote chosen. He has no real skin in the entire game.

Update: From off-site, I get a response, “But I’d leave The Dude in the center. He really ties the chart together.” Well, The Dude abides.

  1. Tineye wasn’t able to find a source for it. If you know, please let me know so I can link to the original.

  2. It’s just an asshole.


