Testing Sencha.com with iPad 3 Retina display. Click to view full-size.
This morning I opened up the new iOS Simulator 5.1 to test our website and see how it looks when every pixel is doubled as on a high-resolution retina-display. I soon wondered why I couldn’t accomplish this same feat in the desktop Safari application…
Logic would tell you that adding zoom: 200%
to the html
element should work. But a value of around 157% most closely resembles the iOS Simulator (shown on the left of the above image).
I have no idea why this is so. Do you?
Update: Stephen Lovell schools me:
iPad width divided by MacBook width: (2048/1440) = 1.4222; iPad height divided by MacBook height: (1536/900) = 1.7066; Find average (1.42+1.70)/2 = 1.564; Convert to percentage, approximately 156-157%.