If you have goals in life, you’re probably going to need some sort of organization. Even if it’s an organization of just you, it’s still helpful to think of it as a kind of machine. You don’t need to do every part of the process yourself — you just need to set up the machine so that the right outcomes happen.

Let’s say you really want to get in shape, but never remember to exercise. You can keep beating yourself up for your forgetfulness, or you can put a system in place. Maybe you have your roommate check to see that you exercise before you leave your house in the morning or you set a regular time to consistently go to the gym together. Life isn’t a high school exam; you don’t have to solve your problems on your own.

Fix the machine, not the person by Aaron Swartz

I know all too well how easy it is to act like an independent asshole. It requires a lot more effort and diligence to honestly acknowledge my weaknesses and ask for help from others.

If you’re not familiar with Aaron Swartz or his writing, I recommend you start with his Raw Nerve series of blog posts.


