Regarding The Pesky .DS_Store

The .DS_Store can be an annoying and troublesome file for power Mac users, i.e. developers and programmers. The purpose of the .DS_Store file (Desktop Services Store) is to remember your preferences for displaying a particular folder. However, they sometimes cause problems for those who need to compile from directories, use SVN while retaining invisible files, or share directories with a non-Mac computer.

The most common result when trying to rid yourself of .DS_Store files usually leads to a tip like this: How to stop .DS_Store creation on networked drives.

If you need to go further, there are alternatives:

  1. Remove them recursively on a per directory basis. For example, if you want to strip .DS_Store files out of a folder and every folder within that folder, follow Danilo Stern-Sapad’s command line instructions.

  2. Use TotalFinder, a replacement for which has an option for stopping the creation of .DS_Stores completely. I’ve been using TotalFinder for about a week and I enjoy it. (PathFinder was always too hardcore for me.)



