Headline: Enthusiastic Twitter user @jayrobinson is excited to read Twitter on iPad.

“I’m excited to finally be able to use Twitter to be productive. The iPad will let me realize my full potential as a Pro Twitter user with over 300 very attractive followers.” said the longtime Pro Twitter user from his Palo Alto, California home.

The 9.7 inch screen using IPS technology was particularly enticing to the 26 year-old web worker, who says in his free time he enjoys “hanging out”. “Imagine how many tweets I could fit on there! The mind boggles.”

“Jay will finally be able to keep up,” said a person familiar with the matter. “He’ll finally be able to keep up with the Twittersphere and get some ROI on his CPM. Personally, his RBI right now is a POS.”

At time of writing it remains unknown exactly how many tweets featuring obfuscated links and vague comments that captivate imagination for literally seconds at a time will be able to fit on the gorgeous high-resolution screen. But take it from this reporter — a lot.



