Category: uncategorized

  • Our technology whizzes along at the velocity of a speeding electron, and our poor overtaxed neurons struggle to keep up. Everything has become a split-second decision. Find something you like. Share it. Have a half-baked thought. Tweet it. Don’t wait. Don’t hesitate. Seize the moment. Keep up. “A Short Lesson in Perspective” by Linds Redding…

  • Went walking through the Palo Alto foothills the other day and stumbled upon these five deer. Fuck yeah animals!

  • Thirty second panorama I took just the other day up in the foothills west of my house.

  • tumblr_m2ayxrmuNx1qz7fybo1 The great irony about growing up in Seattle is that I had to move to Palo Alto to get good rain. The haze that hangs around the Pacific Northwest is dreary and boring. It does not have the cleansing, cathartic effect of a heavy rainstorm sweeping in and pelting my rooftop through the night.…

  • I believe part of the recent surge in the desire to do ‘real’ stuff with our ‘hands’ is driven by the digital thinness we’re wrapped in. Conferences like Do Lectures, new shops selling pickles in Brooklyn, woodsy digital refuges. It feels like there’s a renewed momentum around craft and physicality. All circumstantial, of course, and…

  • Proposal for G**gle as a Curse Word

    As Google becomes an ever-prevalent part of our lives, we should consider elevating it to the form of God in our swears, or as a replacement for the ever-useful F word. Some examples to follow: Praise Google, you’re safe! Oh my Google! Google damn you! Go Google yourself! Google my life… For the love of…

  • If an error is possible, someone will make it. The designer must assume that all possible errors will occur and design so as to minimize the chance of the error in the first place, or it’s effects once it gets made. Errors should be easy to detect, they should have minimal consequences, and, if possible,…

  • Tried my hand at creating a magnifying loupe similar to the one in iOS, and the one Apple is using in the new iPad marketing material. Pretty happy with the how the bezel and shadows came out. Click through to see more detail and view it on Dribbble.

  • Needed in Photoshop: proportional leading/line height as in CSS

    Needed in Photoshop: proportional leading/line height as in CSSIt’s always bothered me that I cannot effortlessly create proportional line height in Photoshop. The leading widget in the Character panel should use a multiplier of the font size—as in InDesign or CSS. For example, I could set my text to 24px and the leading to a…

  • Want.

  • Using HTML Compressor with Aggressive Settings

    The other night I decided to look into HTML compression for The first Google result led me to HTML Compressor. Our homepage weighs about 30KB. When using the most aggressive settings, I only saved 5KB. Once gzipped, this reduction in file size only nets a savings of 500 bytes. In my test case, the…

  • Quick note on why you should always use Progressive JPEGs if larger than 10KB

    Lately I’ve been doing a ton of reading on decreasing website load time, image optimization techniques, responsive loading for different devices, and every detail I can find in between. One quick takeaway is that I will always tick the “progressive” checkbox in Photoshop’s Save for Web dialog from now on when saving JPEGs larger than…

  • Filter iPad/iPhone Screenshots out of your iPhoto

    Filter iPad/iPhone Screenshots out of your iPhotoThis handy tip will help you cull your iPhoto library of those hundreds screenshots you take when you’re obsessively working on UI. Create smart albums with the following criteria: For iPad, match all of the following conditions: Aperture is Unknown ISO is Unknown Filename starts with IMG_ Filename contains…

  • I Dribbbled two things I made tonight. I should Dribbble more. Thing 1. Thing 2. You should follow me on Dribbble here.