Category: uncategorized
My sister, Deverie, and I in 1983.
Commonplacing facilitates reflexive thought. Regarding a “commonplace book”, mentioned in chapter 4 of Where Good Ideas Come From by Steven Johnson. In the early 19th century, “gentlemen of letters” often kept a commonplace book, which meant they recorded the interesting ideas and passages of text they encountered in their studies, in order that they could…
Patrick Moberg: I’ve been experimenting with polyphasic sleep schedules the past week, which is, more or less, taking a bunch of short naps throughout the day rather than all at once. I think there is a Seinfeld episode where Kramer attempts it, but I couldn’t track it down. It’s been a cool/bizarre/fun experiment, allowing for a lot of…
If you cut me open and saw what was inside, it’s Windows. Windows. Windows. Windows. My favorite Steve Ballmer quote.
The True Size of The Moon, by Tag Savage.
The school of Jay-Z studies
The school of Jay-Z studies Jay-Z doesn’t need to be Homer. Or Shakespeare. Or Mark Twain, Beethoven or Wagner. He’s Jay-Z: arguably, the most important figure to come out of the biggest cultural movement of the past 30 years. The merits of the case – for serious intellectual course work focused on the man and…
QR UX: Some clever ideas for integrating QR readers into Apple iOS.
Via Joseph Schmitt: This is the best thing I’ve seen all week. Keep up the good work, Internet: SiriProxy is used to intercept the communication with Apple’s servers. Based on your song request, Notorious Siri then sends your choice of Notorious B.I.G.’s Hypnotize and an a-cappella rendition of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody to the device (the…
Been hanging out with this guy all week. He’s so friendly!
My aunt Sue’s cabin in Homer, Alaska, is beautiful. Especially when covered with snow.
Sencha tumblr: We liked the posters for our HTML5 Roadshow so much we decided to put them up in our lobby! Custom illustrations by our designer Katherine Chu!
All I want to be is a person who makes things and thinks about them. John Maeda
Had some fun altering this photo of the Amazon Kindle Fire for our HTML5 Scorecard. I took the photo with my iPhone 4. I originally used the natural reflection of the ceiling and florescent lights, but I didn’t like it so I made my own.
Sencha tumblr: HTML5 Scorecard: Amazon Kindle Fire When the Kindle Fire was announced, we were excited about getting our hands on it. As the first mass market tablet at the $200 price point, we knew it had a good shot at selling millions of units. But at the same time, we were apprehensive that Amazon…