Category: uncategorized

  • My Mom, Dad, and two sisters, in 1981.

  • I always liked how The Roots have track listing numbers relative to their entire catalog. So I did it, too.

  • Well, it had to happen. This morning went back to business as usual, removing the full-page Steve Jobs tribute. I got used to seeing this every time I opened a new window.

  • The Galaxy Nexus seems the perfect size phone to bludgeon someone with.

  • He looks determined without being ruthless. Something heroic in this man. There’s a courage about him, doesn’t look like a killer. Comes across so calm. Acts like he has a dream—full of passion. Incarcerated Scarfaces

  • Apple has a free device to generate tons of buzz for itself and its developers. It’s called Screen Capture. Michael Mahemoff, “Apple’s Million-Dollar PR Gift to Developers*” This, and the fact that you’ve always been able to get a big, beautiful iPhone graphic from the iOS Simulator.

  • Siri doesn’t like Nick’s stupid British accent.

  • The background needs more texture. Steve Jobs is personally responsible for all the texture in iOS 5.

  • Sencha tumblr: We put a little tribute on to honor Steve Jobs.

  • Sencha tumblr: This week we were excited to announce the release of Sencha Animator. Sencha Animator is a desktop application for Mac, Windows, and Linux that allows you to create CSS3 Animations for WebKit browsers with ease. With Animator you drag and drop assets onto the stage, then start manipulating how their CSS properties change…

  • Steve Jobs as iconized by Susan Kare, 1984 versus 2011.

  • One of Jobs’s many gifts was that he knew what to give a shit about. “Universe Dented, Grass Underfoot” by John Gruber

  • Sencha: We’re working on something super cool to unveil at Adobe MAX in Los Angeles next week. Click through to find out more.

  • uxuiuxui: NeXT was acquired by Apple in February of 1997. It took him one year to go from that to this.

  • Andrew: New case study: The effect that confetti has for pageviews! Tumblr checks post count with an Ext JS app. (Via David Kaneda)