Category: uncategorized

  • The rest of the world regarded Americans as a mob of barbarians who happened to live on top of a mother lode of precious minerals, fertile land, inexhaustible woodlands and waterways galore … but were as uncouth as they were rich … and spoke in barbaric yawps. This improbable yobbo, Mark Twain, had risen up…

  • The river’s algorithm is simple. At each step, flow down. For the essayist this translates to: flow interesting. Of all the places to go next, choose the most interesting. Paul Graham, The Age of the Essay Excellent writing advice by the inimitable Paul Graham. A must read.

  • Find a subject you care about and which you in your heart feel others should care about. Kurt Vonnegut tells you How To Write With Style I’ve always loved Vonnegut: short and to the point. So many great tips in here, but most importantly, write about what you think about all the time. Your passion…

  • Sencha News: June Edition

    Sencha News: June EditionSencha Inc.: The latest edition of Sencha News features six full-length articles, tailored for web designers, Sencha developers, and beginning web app developers. Read about architecting your Ext JS 4 app, replacing Flash with CSS3 Animations, and get a sneak peek of Ext GWT 3. Note: Newsletter subscribers receive articles before anyone…

  • Swirling Neptune

  • Sencha Inc.: Aditya Bansod has the scoop on the HP TouchPad for HTML5 Developers in our latest scorecard series. The TouchPad is the first device to ship HP/Palm’s webOS 3, and the first tablet from HP. See how they do in our HTML5 Developer Scorecard article on I’ve been using the HP TouchPad for…

  • Microsoft’s Metro UI owns the square. Apple has a corner on the roundrect, from the Springboard launcher to the iPhone hardware itself. Nokia, despite its late entry with MeeGo’s Harmattan UI, found the squircle unclaimed and ran with it beautifully. Palm has used the circle from the early days of PalmOS, and in WebOS, HP…

  • Jaipur, Rajasthan, India (via killer-butterfly)

  • The 100% Easy-2-Read Standard Kind of blows my mind that this article is nearly five years old, but nice to see that these guys were the inspiration for a lot people using larger type in web publications.

  • Curation, Community and the Future of News

    Curation, Community and the Future of NewsThe Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University concludes: People are clearly overwhelmed by the growing volume and weight of digital content and messaging that they feel compelled to process. To deal with this, I’ve been very mindful of where I put my attention of late, especially when it…

  • Sencha Inc.: The Xero mobile web app is one of the most beautifully designed Sencha Touch apps. It was recently wrapped with PhoneGap and will soon debut on the Apple App Store, alongside Android and BlackBerry. See more screenshots and read about its development in the latest Sencha Touch Spotlight on our company blog. Photo…

  • If art is about talking and expressing yourself, interface design is about listening and disappearing into the background. You listen to the content and its context, and take it from there, one step at a time. Tim Van Damme waxes poetic on ui/ux design.

  • Managing UI Complexity

    Managing UI ComplexityFacebook, Capo, and Billings designer Brandon Walkin shares some solid principles of user interface design, with real world examples: I’ve spent the past year redesigning a particularly complex application with my primary focus being on reducing complexity. In this article, I’ll go over some of the issues surrounding complexity and techniques that can…

  • nevver: kvvrggn

  • Illustrated organizational charts for tech companies.