Category: uncategorized
All You Ever Wanted to Know About The Pilcrow: ¶
All You Ever Wanted to Know About The Pilcrow: ¶
I laughed when I read Mozilla wanted to release Firefox 7 by the end of the year. But Firefox 5 is here, with CSS3 Animations no less, and they have a clear path ahead for improvements in upcoming releases. As early as last year, using Firefox betas was a huge pain in the ass, and…
Kyle Barrow, a web developer living in Tokyo, Japan, shares the full list of iPhone Emoji HTML decimal character entities.
Design is a way of life, a point of view. It involves the whole complex of visual communications: talent, creative ability, manual skill, and technical knowledge. Aesthetics and economics, technology and psychology are intrinsically related to the process. In 1998, Steven Heller and the School of Visual Arts published Paul Rand: A Designer’s Words, a…
CSS3 Text-Decoration
CSS3 Text-DecorationWell, this was a new one on me. Part of the CSS3 Text spec includes text-underline-position: With this property, you can control, for example, whether the underline should cross the text’s descenders or not: auto, before-edge, alphabetic and after-edge. Currently you can use border-bottom to imitate underlined links; however this proposes a more sensible…
JPEG Optimization: The Fireworks Advantage
JPEG Optimization: The Fireworks AdvantageApparently Adobe Fireworks exports JPEGs about 30%-50% smaller than Photoshop?
“” by Mark Ronson. I’m in a bike-y mood.
Invite a motorist for a bike ride through your city and you’ll be cycling with an urbanist by the end of the day. Even the most eloquent of lectures about livable cities and sustainable design can’t compete with the experience from atop a bicycle saddle. The Real Reason Why Bicycles are the Key to Better…
Perhaps a bit out of my price range at $3,000. But, damn, is it beautiful. (Via Hand Painted Woodgrain Bikes)
Current status.
Pro-Ject RPM 1.3 Genie Turntable (via Jason Long)
Kind of felt like reblogging the fuck out of this artwork today.
Listenr 1.2 available now!
Listenr 1.2 available now!Listenr App: Grab it. Tell your friends. Give me your feedback. And if you think 1.2 is nice, just wait a week or two. Did somebody say scrobbling? Edit: Almost forgot, promotional codes to celebrate the release: 9RKW496KMRLE JAN6XTX7RAWE WJT76JRFNY34 7RMAN7HNEHJ9 EWX7A4LX4NF4 X9MJ3TT74K33 XTYKFF9Y6A63 FXKN7T9MJT7F 63J9J6PMPLXF TN79PKKN7FNR Go grab Listenr app and start listening…
The hardest part of software design is neither software, nor design—but culture. Aza Raskin