Category: uncategorized
Hanging out wit ze Frenchman, Nico Ferrero.
I am just doing my life and I don’t like to—fuck—write this. I don’t like some guy, he write, ‘I pooped,’ okay? There is some guy like this. My French roommate, Nico, on why he refrains from using Twitter.
“Kinky Reggae” by Bob Marley & The Wailers, performed live at the Lyceum Theatre in London, 1975. Just imagine how many kids Bob Marley would have if he could settle down in a kinky part of town.
Listening to some Cinematic Orchestra, recommended to me by Oskar. Thanks!
“Rebel Music (3 O’Clock Roadblock)” by Bob Marley & The Wailers
resizeMyBrowser resizes your browser window to specific dimensions, using innerWindow size (interior of the browser window) instead of including the browser chrome. Useful if you’re testing responsive layouts on different mobile devices.
African Herbsman by Bob Marley & The Wailers Start your day off right with some reggae. One of my favorites.
HTML TidyThis is the HTML Tidy tool I use. It is especially useful for finding and correcting errors in deeply nested HTML. Which one do you use?
Ideas Are Awesome: Money shredding alarm clock shreds your cash when you snooze. Check out the article on Mashable. Very seriously considering this.
Aha! Moments When Learning Git
Aha! Moments When Learning GitFave: git checkout foo.txt (Undo local changes) Often forget that you can just target individual files in this way.
Everything you ever wanted to know about unquoted attribute values in HTML and CSS
Everything you ever wanted to know about unquoted attribute values in HTML and CSSMathias Bynens writes about the intricacies of unquoted attribute values in HTML and CSS. Even though it may seem HTML5-chic to throw loose attributes in your markup, there are enough edge cases that it’s better just to steer clear.
David Cole: My friend Chris and I spent this last week creating a new, very important Wikipedia page from whole cloth: List of films with associated hip hop songs On some level this is an experiment with the absurdities of Wikipedia, and on another it’s a sincere interest in seeing the history of writing hip…
Gedeon Maheux’s awesome lock & home screen wallpapers for iPhone & iPod touch, based on Star Trek: The Next Generation’s LCARS interface. Via luigidr: guillee.