Category: uncategorized

  • Book of Speed

    Book of SpeedFree, online, open-source book about web performance by Stoyan Stefanov.

  • Steve Jobs and Bill Gates at Jobs’ Palo Alto home in 1991.

  • Catnip by Mike Monday

  • Peter Vidani: Jay Moon’s alternative design for iOS’ Notification Center. (Full, Dark) Fabric-less.

  • Always bizarrely intrigued by the way artists write their ‘oh-oh ohhhs’ lyrics out. Julian Casablancas

  • For our team at ProcessMaker, design matters. With Sencha, we found a development group and a product with the same mantra. Check out what the developers at Colosa, Inc. had to say about using Ext JS to build ProcessMaker. (via Sencha’s Tumblr)

  • My Week with Google Android Nexus S

    I’ve been using a Google Nexus S running Android OS 2.3 as my phone for the past week and I like it. It makes for a very decent smartphone. Frequent needs can be met quickly with a minimum of amount of fuss. (Accomplishing the same task on iOS, though pretty, is not as easy nor…

  • Make Your Own Micro SIM Adapter for Use in SIM Card Slot

    Make Your Own Micro SIM Adapter for Use in SIM Card SlotHere’s the resource I found to create my own Micro SIM adapter in order to use my AT&T iPhone 4 Micro SIM in the regular-sized SIM card slot inside my Google Nexus S. (Similarly, this could be employed in order to share your iPhone…

  • Hate the cover. Hate the title. Pre-ordered.

  • Along with the rumored iCloud music service, I would be very surprised if we don’t see iTunes 11 released this month. While there are probably a thousand gripes I have with my beloved iTunes 10*, I would be very happy to see this simple change instated. You see, I can quickly see which playlists or…

  • I can’t communicate to you how awesome this is unless you use it. … carrying around these computers with tons of data in them is byzantine by comparison. — Steve Jobs, WWDC 1997. If you want to hear a bit of subject matter that Steve Jobs will reignite tomorrow, listen to his closing remarks at…

  • “Hard Rain” by Shout Out Louds This is a pretty good song for jamming out some designs on an overcast California day.

  • “As Little Design as Possible” by Dieter Rams, foreword by Jonathan Ive? Pre-ordered. (Via Jarred Bishop: September Industry.)

  • Steve McQueen ‘Le Mans’-themed dresses at today’s Monaco F1 Grand Prix.

  • Ernst Haeckel: Art Forms in Nature (1899-1904). Via the ever-epic Ethan Sherbondy.