Tag: apple

  • The Death of Files by Dustin Curtis

    The Death of Files by Dustin Curtis The iPhone OS completely removes the concept of a “file.” It promotes apps to being the primary level of user interaction, and it stores related things inside databases that are content-specific. When you pick up your iPhone and want to view photos, you open the Photos app, which…

  • iPad vs iPad 2:

  • @SenchaInc iPads. Via David Kaneda.

  • The Xoom tablet is trim, light, and very pretty … but when you place it next to the iPad 2, it looks as though it was designed and built by angry Soviet prison labor instead of by Motorola. Andy Ihnatko

  • Transparent iPhone 4 kit. Yes, please!

  • I know I’m a few days late on this, but happy birthday Steve!

  • Might switch to the Verizon iPhone 4 just to get this clean back panel.

  • Jobs Talks About His Rise and Fall — Newsweek

    Jobs Talks About His Rise and Fall — NewsweekOne of the best Steve Jobs interviews I’ve ever read.

  • I like this idea. (Click image to see bigger.)

  • Things seen at 2:23 AM cannot be unseen.

  • You guys know you can paste URLs directly into the Safari Downloads window right?

    Okay, just checking. UPDATE: As of Mac OS X Lion 10.7, Safari 5.1 no longer supports this behavior. Sorry, Charlie. UPDATE: Not sure if I just missed this before, but you can do this in 10.7+ as long as you first focus the Downloads “window”.

  • I modified my iPad case so it docks. Highly recommend.

  • Can’t wait to hack one of these bad boys. Apple is the only company that could make me want to put a USB stick on my keys.

  • I’m pretty sure Apple has no further interest in helping people manage their media through the use of hard disks located in the home. The next truly significant revision of iTunes, whether in server form or not, will surely be in the cloud. Khoi Vinh I’ve been using ZumoCast, your iTunes music in the cloud,…

  • Mark Nichols: Still running iTunes 9. NEVER LET ME GO. Same here. My goal is to transfer iTunes 9 and my whole collection to a Mac mini media server I set up soon. iTunes 9 FOREVER.