Tag: apple
Microsoft Store directly across from popular Apple Store in the Mall of America. Dear God, why is Microsoft such a glutton for punishment?
Late birthday gift from my dad arrived today.
But what does this say?
If we hadn’t have made blue boxes there’d have been no Apple. Steve Jobs M.O. has always been to stick it to the man.
Papa Steve!
I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. What is going on here?
I love this mockup of a new iPod shuffle. Found on 9to5Mac.com.
Okay, make that three really awesome Safari Extensions for me so far. My latest favorite, BetterSource, allows you to see syntax-highlighted source code, both generated and original.
What do you guys put in Grouping for iTunes?
Nik Fletcher: This is the all-new Apple Store Covent Garden which opened just yesterday in London. Just the courtyard in this store is larger, in floorspace, than that world-renowned Fifth Avenue store – and if you think that’s crazy, the whole store is now the world’s largest. A title it steals from the Apple Store…
I love that *this* works.
Peter Baker: “Shiiit” comes out exactly as it should. (On a Mac, Control+click the word > Speech > Start Speaking) Also, try “Mac OS X”. It’ll blow your mind.
Ten One Design is planning to release a free software library that adds pressure sensitive and palm rejection recognition for Cocoa Touch applications.
Real Apple Logo by Edward Sanchez: “I wanted to make ‘the real Apple logo,’ based on the exact shape of their logo but fully textured as an actual apple.”
Walkthough of the first iAd by Nissan’s ad agency ChiatDay.