Tag: apple

  • Louis Harboe has recreated the iOS4 icons in Pure CSS. These are incredible, and totally resolution independent.

  • Steve says “dude”.

    Steve says “dude”.Peter Vidani wondered aloud “if we’ll ever hear Steve Jobs say ‘dude’ in a keynote.” And I was there to answer his call. Also, this.

  • Apple’s redesigned Mac mini reinforces their trend of sweating even the smallest details. This thing is beautiful. Head to Apple.com/macmini to see more.

  • Robert Scoble’s high definition photo of the iPhone 4. Taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark II. Click to see full-size (5616 × 3744 pixels).

  • Scrolling through a music library using iTunes on a Mac versus the iTunes-like iPod app on an iPad. The performance difference is amazing. I wonder if this has to do with SSD versus HDD?

  • Khoi Vinh: Better Screen, Same Typography Via 2105

  • “Bark” I named my iPhone dog Vincent.

  • Technologies like Safari Reader sound a salutary warning to media companies and advertisers. From now on, we must love our readers or die. The Guardian, via Nik Fletcher.

  • Multi-Safari

    Multi-SafariSafari 5 is my new favorite browser, but I was a little hesitant to upgrade until I’d figured out how I could keep Safari 4. The Multi-Safari project solves that handily. The Multi-Safari website allows you to download all the previous versions of Safari back to 1.0. Every version is specially packaged to use the…

  • Safari 5 is my new favorite browser.

  • If the new Apple FaceTime video doesn’t stir something inside you, you might be a Cylon.

  • David Kaneda’s new domain, 9-bits.com: “Holy cow, this thing’s beautiful.”

  • Magnifying Glass using CSS3 and JavaScript. Similar to the effect Apple is using on their new iPhone 4 page. Via WebKitBits.

  • Steve Jobs Star Wars Apple iPad

  • Apple’s and RIM’s game is selling the integrated whole — their own devices, running their own software. Google is playing Microsoft’s game — licensing a platform to many device makers. John Gruber, DaringFireball.net