Tag: comedy

  • WickedCampers.com. Rent a van to tour around NZ or OZ. Click the picture.

  • Pitchfork Give Music 6.8 – The Onion

    Pitchfork Give Music 6.8 – The Onion Music, a mode of creative expression consisting of sound and silence expressed through time, was given a 6.8 out of 10 rating in an review published Monday on Pitchfork Media, a well-known music-criticism website. … “Music used to be great, but let’s be honest, it’s a 6.8 now…

  • Andy Samberg’s Epic Freestyle Rap

  • H7Ql6FrJC4qgvi8igZv0iYOS Meet Cleofis Randolph The Patriarch – Deltron 3030

  • The source of this parody. Props to Jesus54y for passing this along to me.

  • You know the kind of letters people write: ‘Dear Somebody-you-never-heard-of, How is so-and-so? Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Yours truly, Some Bozo’ Homer Simpson – Blood Fued

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cY8Mik06kvE Steve Martin – The Absent Minded Waiter

  • Mom: So hello Mom: I watched a very funny episode of the simpsons yesterday Mom: Gil was staying with the simpsons because he was out of work Mom: And homer was in his robe talking to gil and gil siad hey homer do you mind closing up that robe i’m seeing the how butchers market…

  • (Source: http://www.collegehumor.com/)

  • Yummy Asian Baby Sandwich, via Heather. You know who you are.

  • I remember my student days, when a foam mattress on the floor was my bed, and bricks and boards were my shelves, and my school books were just empty cereal boxes made to look like school books. Dan Liebert, Verbal Cartoonist.

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUVagbFcSUU from HBO’s Flight of the Conchords.

  • via The Real.