Tag: css3

  • Created this CSS3 animation for the Sencha Architect launch, but I didn’t end up using it. Made with Sencha Animator, natch.

  • Check out this post I contributed to WebKitBits: -webkit-filter is the new hotness, and it’s coming to your browser sooner than you’d expect! This slide comes from a recent presentation given by Vincent Hardy of Adobe, showing off the rapid innovation in tweaking web graphics. Download the latest WebKit Nightly and take a look!

  • CSS3 Text-Decoration

    CSS3 Text-DecorationWell, this was a new one on me. Part of the CSS3 Text spec includes text-underline-position: With this property, you can control, for example, whether the underline should cross the text’s descenders or not: auto, before-edge, alphabetic and after-edge. Currently you can use border-bottom to imitate underlined links; however this proposes a more sensible…

  • Everything you ever wanted to know about unquoted attribute values in HTML and CSS

    Everything you ever wanted to know about unquoted attribute values in HTML and CSSMathias Bynens writes about the intricacies of unquoted attribute values in HTML and CSS. Even though it may seem HTML5-chic to throw loose attributes in your markup, there are enough edge cases that it’s better just to steer clear.

  • SenchaInc: Our CEO, Abe Elias, took the the stage in front of 3,000 people at BlackBerry Devcon on September 27th and received a huge round of applause after showing off our new CSS3 tool: Sencha Animator! Sencha Animator creates CSS3 animations for use on WebKit browsers including Apple iOS, BlackBerry Torch, and Google Android. You…

  • I had a great deal of fun creating this WebKit/CSS3 Cheat Sheet with Edward Sanchez last week. Dave distributed it at the recent Web 2.0 conference in New York City, but you can grab it for free from http://sencha.com/css3cheatsheet (PDF)! Via SenchaInc.

  • CSS3 Ads Versus Flash Ads Arne Bech replicated three Flash banner ads using CSS3 animations. Have a look at the demo page and see if you can tell which is which. Via Sencha

  • Getting Sassy with CSS

    Getting Sassy with CSSDavid Kaneda: My newest post on the Sencha blog covering the wonders of SASS and Compass. Includes a full getting started guide and covers some of the techniques we used in developing the themes for Sencha Touch. Via Sencha tumblelog.

  • Magnifying Glass using CSS3 and JavaScript. Similar to the effect Apple is using on their new iPhone 4 page. Via WebKitBits.

  • The HTML5 Family: CSS3

    The HTML5 Family: CSS3I added to Ext’s blog series on HTML5 with a post covering CSS3: “Many of the benefits people associate with ‘HTML5’ are actually provided by CSS3 and Javascript. Ultimately, HTML only defines content structure, while Javascript provides behavior and CSS provides presentation. CSS3 builds on the widely supported CSS2.1 spec, and allows…

  • A beautiful card game of Memory created using WebKit animations.

  • HTML5, Now with 20% More Internet!

    HTML5, Now with 20% More Internet!Michael Mullany posted a terrific guide regarding HTML5: all the good stuff, none of the fluff. (Via Ext JS Tumblelog.)

  • Our Solar System, an experiment with CSS3 border-radius, -webkit transforms & animations. Be sure to check out the article for Internet Explorer’s parallel flat universe. Via Jay Robinson for WebKitBits.

  • CSS3 Spiderman

    CSS3 SpidermanWebKitBits: Anthony Calzadilla recreated a 1967-style Spiderman comic using CSS3 animations. He’s also written a detailed account of the project’s creation.

  • CSS3 Click Chart

    CSS3 Click ChartVery handy quick reference for CSS3, or CSS3-like effects in many browsers including IE. However, it is best viewed in Chrome 4+, Safari 4+, or Firefox 3.6+.