Tag: flash

  • CSS3 Ads Versus Flash Ads Arne Bech replicated three Flash banner ads using CSS3 animations. Have a look at the demo page and see if you can tell which is which. Via Sencha

  • Smokescreen: a Flash player written in Javascript

    Smokescreen: a Flash player written in JavascriptMarco Arment: Via Jim Ray: The Strongbad demo will make you a believer. This thing reads the actual SWF binary and creates native, browser based executions. Explanation from Simon Willison: Chris Smoak’s Smokescreen, “a Flash player written in JavaScript”, is an incredible piece of work. It runs entirely in…

  • catharsis: Should I Make a Flash Site? This one’s an oldie-but-goodie. The discussion re: SEO and accessibility was always a trying one to have, but thankfully, the iPhone/iPad and web technologies have advanced to the point where this is a much easier conversation to have. Site note: I can’t believe no one has this single-serving…

  • Steve Jobs: Thoughts on Flash

    Steve Jobs: Thoughts on Flash Perhaps Adobe should focus more on creating great HTML5 tools for the future, and less on criticizing Apple for leaving the past behind.

  • H.264 hardware decoding in Mac OS X

    H.264 hardware decoding in Mac OS X ArsTechnica recently asked Adobe if we would use the recently added video acceleration API in Mac OS X 10.6.3. The answer was yes and today we are making it available as a beta version…

  • Apple vs. Adobe – It’s about the framework…

    Apple vs. Adobe – It’s about the framework… What Apple does care about is their ability to control their own development cycles. iPhoneOS runs on extremely tight schedules, with a very high degree of secrecy, and at a pace completely controlled by Apple. … Imagine if 10% of the apps on iPhone came from Flash.…

  • Hmmm. So giving Apple control over the iPhone is bad, but giving Adobe control over rich content on the web is fine. Hmmm. Tom Standage

  • 9-Bits: The Flash Pan

    9-Bits: The Flash Pan Apple is not being evil. This is one company controlling its platform for the sake of its own product. Microsoft does the same thing for XBox, Sony does the same for PlayStation, and Nintendo does the same for Wii. … Mr. 9-Bits himself, David Kaneda, gives his take on the whole…

  • 2105: A List Apart: Articles: Flash and Standards: The Cold War of the Web Dan Mall continues to probe the debate between web standards, HTML5 apps and Flash. Good article; rad illustration. Go GloomyBear!

  • Paul Straw, everyone. In reference to this: http://theflashblog.com/?p=1703