Tag: hacks

  • I download a lot of books, but they just sit there and get lost in my Kindle. I forget about them. So I developed this hack: I add books I want to read to my Amazon Wishlist. Every once in a while I dump that into Fancy Hands and reserve all the books at the…

  • Download Safari Extension: Maximize Flash Videos for YouTube & Vimeo

    Download Safari Extension: Maximize Flash Videos for YouTube & VimeoI made a stupid browser extension to maximize Flash videos on YouTube and Vimeo pages. It’s stupid because I tried for an hour or more to get it to only inject the stylesheet when you click the toolbar button, but it’s just too stupid to work.…

  • Get colored sidebar icons back in Mac OS X 10.7 Finder I’m not one to rail against every change in UI to the point that I revert Lion to look exactly like Snow Leopard, but the monochromatic sidebar was a major issue of usability to me. I am happy to make this change as I…

  • Twitter for Mac adds a new contextual menu item when you select text in Safari. If you’re a web dev like me, you often want the final item to be “Inspect Element”. Go to System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts > Services > Files & Folders to disable the “Tweet” service. I also disabled…

  • I modified my iPad case so it docks. Highly recommend.

  • As if I needed another reason not to upgrade to iTunes 10, now they add a stupid Ping button. Get rid of it.

  • http://fora.tv/embedded_player The Art of Innovation from the Hacker’s Perspective “The mindset that Hackers have is optimized for discovery. The way that Hackers interact with the rest of the world, and figure out what is possible, is what you need for invention–it’s what you need for innovation.” A family friend of mine, Pablos Holman, speaks on…

  • Smaller PNGs using Fireworks

    Smaller PNGs using FireworksDave Shea has the skinny on smaller PNGs. It involves saving 32bit PNGs from Photoshop, then optimizing in Fireworks. Read his post for the full details. Via 2105.

  • Two quick tips regarding “apple-touch-icon”

    atomicstapler: If you’re making a custom home screen icon for a web site or web app, make the icon 129 pixels square. This will make the icon look good on both the iPhone and iPad screen. (Thanks to Dan Rubin for this.) Also, instead of “apple-touch-icon,” you can use “apple-touch-icon-precomposed” and the ugly gloss won’t…

  • Apostrophes on iPad

    I can type pretty fast on the iPad, but the thing that slows me down most is the lack an apostrophe on the first level keyboard. However, if you hold down the comma/exclamation key, you get an apostrophe option. Nice!

  • How to prevent iTunes web previews from opening iTunes automatically

    How to prevent iTunes web previews from opening iTunes automaticallySpoiler alert: involves a quick System Pref install, but works like a charm. Totally worth it.

  • MCE OptiBay Hard Drive

    MCE OptiBay Hard Drive The new MCE OptiBay Hard Drive was created for users who want as much hard drive space as possible … The MCE OptiBay Hard Drive replaces your machine’s internal SuperDrive with a high performance SATA hard drive … Seriously considering replacing my MacBook Pro’s SuperDrive with an SSD. Read why.

  • Visor – Quake Style Terminal Access

    Visor – Quake Style Terminal AccessNoah Stokes: It’s been a while since I’ve used this and it appears to have it’s bugs worked out. By the Quicksilver folks.

  • How to Enable Free Emoji Icons on iPhone

    How to Enable Free Emoji Icons on iPhone Download “Spell Number” Open app on iPhone Type “91929394.59” Push Home button Tap Settings Select General Select International Keyboards Select Japanese Turn Emoji On Done