Tag: HTML5

  • Sencha tumblr: HTML5 Scorecard: Amazon Kindle Fire When the Kindle Fire was announced, we were excited about getting our hands on it. As the first mass market tablet at the $200 price point, we knew it had a good shot at selling millions of units. But at the same time, we were apprehensive that Amazon…

  • Sencha tumblr: Thrilled to see VHX, a Flash web app for time-shifting online videos, uses Sencha Touch for their HTML5 mobile app. One of my favorite web apps now has a Sencha Touch app!

  • Everything you ever wanted to know about unquoted attribute values in HTML and CSS

    Everything you ever wanted to know about unquoted attribute values in HTML and CSSMathias Bynens writes about the intricacies of unquoted attribute values in HTML and CSS. Even though it may seem HTML5-chic to throw loose attributes in your markup, there are enough edge cases that it’s better just to steer clear.

  • Never Mind the Bullets is another Beauty of the Web project in honor of IE9. Steaw Web Design helped Microsoft to create this HTML5 Parallax powered comic book. Awesome art direction and very compelling. Check it out!

  • The HTML5 Family: Microdata Overview I wrote a short primer on Microdata for the Sencha company blog. Hope you can get some use out of it. Reblogged from our Sencha Tumblr.

  • The HTML5 Family: Geolocation

    The HTML5 Family: GeolocationEd Spencer coaches us through the Geolocation API in HTML5: Various imprecise forms of geolocation have been in use on the web for some time, usually in the form of a crude best-guess based on your IP address. Today we have a plethora of new location-aware devices using a variety of location…

  • How HTML 5 link prefetching can make your site load faster with one line of code.

    How HTML 5 link prefetching can make your site load faster with one line of code.

  • Standards aren’t add-ons to the web. They are the web. Apple’s new HTML5 page.

  • The HTML5 Family: CSS3

    The HTML5 Family: CSS3I added to Ext’s blog series on HTML5 with a post covering CSS3: “Many of the benefits people associate with ‘HTML5’ are actually provided by CSS3 and Javascript. Ultimately, HTML only defines content structure, while Javascript provides behavior and CSS provides presentation. CSS3 builds on the widely supported CSS2.1 spec, and allows…

  • The HTML5 Family: Web Storage

    The HTML5 Family: Web StorageIn the latest feature of our series on HTML5, Ed Spencer explains and gives a quick example of Web Storage (localStorage and sessionStorage). (Via Ext JS.)

  • HTML5, Now with 20% More Internet!

    HTML5, Now with 20% More Internet!Michael Mullany posted a terrific guide regarding HTML5: all the good stuff, none of the fluff. (Via Ext JS Tumblelog.)

  • Embedding custom non-visible data in HTML 5

    Embedding custom non-visible data in HTML 5 “Every HTML element may have any number of attributes starting with the string ‘data-’ specified, with any value.”—this will be incredibly useful for unobtrusive JavaScript where there’s no sensible place to store configuration data as HTML content. Via Simon Willison.

  • Justin Ouellette: Go here on an iPad: itllbebetter.com Or an iPhone, or iPod touch, or Safari, or Firefox, or Chrome, or Opera. I’m done with Flash. Muxtape rewritten in HTML5 is about a quarter of its previous length (and complexity) and uses no plugins. Other than Firefox requiring ogg versions of the audio all the…

  • Early Proof That Geolocation Marketing Will Succeed

    Early Proof That Geolocation Marketing Will SucceedPeople wonder what all the fuss is about with Foursquare and Gowalla but I’ve been excited about the potentials of geolocation for years.

  • Dear Tumblr, Inc…

    Ben Gold: When are you going to make a new audio player? I would love to see an HTML5 video and audio player.