Tag: icons

  • P.J. Onori proposes a new standard for gesture icons, emphasizing legibility at small sizes: I believe today’s gesture icons are not hitting the mark because they lack the qualities associated with good icons. I have designed an icon system in attempt to address this issue. Excellent set, well thought-out.

  • Strake: Sebastiaan de With has started a Flickr group for high resolution versions of iPhone and iPad icons. And speaking of nice icons, check out this beauty for Wikipanion.

  • The upgraded truck icon that comes with an FTP client

    The Strake: Panic has released a fantastic upgrade to one of the coolest (and most copied) icons ever. As a bonus, the icon comes bundled with an FTP client that is supposed to be pretty damn good. Here is the “old” version: And the beautiful, updated version: Both the cab and the rear container are…

  • I didn’t like the Adobe Device Central CS3 app’s icon. So I made my own. Not that I’d ever even use that piece of tin. I just really don’t like Adobe’s icons.

  • iPhone App Icons

    iPhone App IconsNeven Mrgan: Here’s my pick of the best iPhone app icons […] Notice a trend? Almost all of these icons say “no thanks” to iPhone’s default gloss effect […] Of Apple’s 20 iPhone apps, 7 don’t use the effect, and 2 fudge it a bit (YouTube and Clock, which apply this only to…