Tag: ipad

  • I’m not saying you want an iPad or need one (or any of the upcoming tablets) — I don’t get commission. I’m just saying, what’s the big deal? It’s a computer and television and radio and newspaper and book and magazine and game console and Internet the size of a piece of paper and the…

  • Marco.org: Hot zones

    Marco.org: Hot zonesMarco Arment: With universal auto-rotation, the massive touch screen, and highly reactive apps, the iPad (and the iPhone, but it’s worse on the iPad) is always “hot” — touch anywhere on the screen, brush off a speck of dust, or change its orientation slightly (often unintentionally), and something changes. I experience this frustration…

  • Silver Pogo Sketch Stylus for capacitive touch devices by Ten One Design. The aluminum shaft actually transmits your body’s electricity to the metal brillo pad tip. I recommend this pen for iPad, and many others agree. Read about it. (Thanks, Marc.)

  • iPad actions for Photoshop

    iPad actions for Photoshop Create iPad 1024×768 screenshot Click button for instant, Apple-style marketing

  • Apple sells one million iPads in first 28 days

    Apple sells one million iPads in first 28 daysIt took 74 days for Apple to sell one million iPhones.

  • Strake: Sebastiaan de With has started a Flickr group for high resolution versions of iPhone and iPad icons. And speaking of nice icons, check out this beauty for Wikipanion.

  • Yes or No: Will I buy another iPad dock for work?

    Winner sends me $29!

  • b3wm, the Ghetto Boom Box for iPad is one of the many apps created this week at iPad Dev Camp in San Jose. This was one of my first ideas on April 3rd walking around with my iPad.

  • Classic Composition Book Becomes DIY iPad Camouflage (via kevin, laughingsquid)

  • Apple vs. Adobe – It’s about the framework…

    Apple vs. Adobe – It’s about the framework… What Apple does care about is their ability to control their own development cycles. iPhoneOS runs on extremely tight schedules, with a very high degree of secrecy, and at a pace completely controlled by Apple. … Imagine if 10% of the apps on iPhone came from Flash.…

  • Detecting iPad with PHP/JS/htaccess

    Detecting iPad with PHP/JS/htaccessDavid Walsh writes how to detect the iPad using PHP, JavaScript and htaccess. As a bonus, here’s how to do it with CSS:

  • An iPad sleeve that looks like a book.

  • Apostrophes on iPad

    I can type pretty fast on the iPad, but the thing that slows me down most is the lack an apostrophe on the first level keyboard. However, if you hold down the comma/exclamation key, you get an apostrophe option. Nice!

  • iPad Orientation CSS

    iPad Orientation CSScameronmoll: According to Jason Grigsby, WebKit on iPad honors CSS media query declarations based on orientation. As such, you can deliver different content based on portrait and landscape viewing by simply adding (orientation:portrait) or (orientation:landscape) to your link element. (See also Jason’s original post.) I

  • Penninsula Park by suzi54241. I love the detail and style in this iPad painting. Neven Mrgan linked to some great iPad art this morning. Here’s mine. My drawing ability seems to be perpetually better than a 1st grader but worse than a 6th grader. I’d love to see your iPhone/iPad original artwork. Photo reply to…