Tag: ipad

  • My first painting on iPad is of Ext JS CEO and all-around great guy Abe Elias. This doesn’t look exactly like Abe, but he was a good sport about it. If you’re curious, I used the Brushes app and a $15 Pogo Sketch stylus. Highly recommend both.

  • Mr. Data and Q Mr. Q and Data get a tour of We Rule. Via ngmoco:).

  • MobileWe

    Much ballyhoo was made over Steve Jobs demand at the January 2010 Apple Event (and again at the February shareholder’s meeting) that Apple is now a mobile device company. Many worry that Apple will abandon the big, heavy desktop computers that we know and love. But I want to tell you that Apple has always…

  • Steve Jobs riding ’10 iPad.

  • iPad Wireframe .EPS

    iPad Wireframe .EPSThe beautiful & talented Sarah Parmenter: “To celebrate the launch of the iPad, and undoubtedly another fantastic platform to design for, I have designed an iPad Wireframe to help you with the design process for yourself and/or your clients.”

  • Where’s the genius that will sell this to me?

  • Why not download this HHGTTG wallpaper for your new Apple iPad?

  • Happy iPad Day!

  • All this gloom and doom has gotten a little out of hand. People are arguing about whether the iPad will change computing and the world as we know it. Other people are put off by the media hype outpouring of enthusiasm today for a device that almost no one has ever touched or seen in…

  • The FCC has leaked shots of a busted-open iPad and it is bee-yoo-tee-full.

  • ckck: Popular Science magazine for the iPad. Berg and Bonnier made a back in December detailing their vision for magazines on touch-based tablets. Fast forward less than four months, it’s no longer a concept, and it’s already available on the iTunes store. Read more about it here.

  • Andy Ihnatko: Rollup to iPad

    Andy Ihnatko: Rollup to iPad Apps like Autodesk SketchBook (my favorite drawing app) are fun even when you’re just using your fingers. But it’s a different experience when you have a stylus in your hand. The business end is thinner than a fingertip, so it’s much easier to see what you’re drawing. Plus, I stopped…

  • Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.21.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.4 Mobile/7B334b Safari/531.21.10

    iPad user agent string. (Via thijsjacobs.)

  • Jarrett Fuller: I’m pretty sure this will be the best image I see all day.

  • Adam Lisagor: Cartoonist Andrew Fulton wants an iPad. So he put an offer on his site to sell you a custom iPad-themed illustration. … If you’d like an iPad portrait by Andrew go here. Classy with a capital “C”. Consider mine ordered.