Tag: iphone

  • Hanging out with Listenr by Ethan Sherbondy and Hao Lian. It’s a native iPhone app for listening to music posted by people you follow on Tumblr. Oh man, this is totally rad! I’m going to use this every day. Thanks, Ethan!

  • Things seen at 2:23 AM cannot be unseen.

  • Sencha: (via touchNOC) Sencha Touch beta 4 (.94) was released today — Read the release notes or download it and try it for yourself.

  • Ten One Design is planning to release a free software library that adds pressure sensitive and palm rejection recognition for Cocoa Touch applications.

  • Walkthough of the first iAd by Nissan’s ad agency ChiatDay.

  • Louis Harboe has recreated the iOS4 icons in Pure CSS. These are incredible, and totally resolution independent.

  • Targeting various iOS devices with media queries

    Targeting various iOS devices with media queries9-bits: Jesse Dodds with an awesome tip for iPhone web devs: You can use the media attribute on webclip icons to specify different resolution icons (like for the Retina display):

  • Robert Scoble’s high definition photo of the iPhone 4. Taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark II. Click to see full-size (5616 × 3744 pixels).

  • Khoi Vinh: Better Screen, Same Typography Via 2105

  • “Bark” I named my iPhone dog Vincent.

  • If the new Apple FaceTime video doesn’t stir something inside you, you might be a Cylon.

  • David Kaneda’s new domain, 9-bits.com: “Holy cow, this thing’s beautiful.”

  • Strake: Sebastiaan de With has started a Flickr group for high resolution versions of iPhone and iPad icons. And speaking of nice icons, check out this beauty for Wikipanion.

  • Steve Jobs: Thoughts on Flash

    Steve Jobs: Thoughts on Flash Perhaps Adobe should focus more on creating great HTML5 tools for the future, and less on criticizing Apple for leaving the past behind.

  • Steve Wozniak, wearing a Daring Fireball t-shirt, standing in a server room while drinking a beer and looking at his iPhone 3GS: With Fans Like This by Mike Monteiro Via Merlin Mann