Tag: iphone
Hanging out with Listenr by Ethan Sherbondy and Hao Lian. It’s a native iPhone app for listening to music posted by people you follow on Tumblr. Oh man, this is totally rad! I’m going to use this every day. Thanks, Ethan!
Things seen at 2:23 AM cannot be unseen.
Sencha: HTML5 Sencha Touch App vs. native iPhone App side by side (HD) (via touchNOC) Sencha Touch beta 4 (.94) was released today — Read the release notes or download it and try it for yourself.
Ten One Design is planning to release a free software library that adds pressure sensitive and palm rejection recognition for Cocoa Touch applications.
Walkthough of the first iAd by Nissan’s ad agency ChiatDay.
Louis Harboe has recreated the iOS4 icons in Pure CSS. These are incredible, and totally resolution independent.
Targeting various iOS devices with media queries
Targeting various iOS devices with media queries9-bits: Jesse Dodds with an awesome tip for iPhone web devs: You can use the media attribute on webclip icons to specify different resolution icons (like for the Retina display): <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" media="screen and (resolution: 326dpi)" href="/iOS-114.png" />
Robert Scoble’s high definition photo of the iPhone 4. Taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark II. Click to see full-size (5616 × 3744 pixels).
Khoi Vinh: Better Screen, Same Typography Via 2105
“Bark” I named my iPhone dog Vincent.
If the new Apple FaceTime video doesn’t stir something inside you, you might be a Cylon.
David Kaneda’s new domain, 9-bits.com: “Holy cow, this thing’s beautiful.”
Steve Jobs: Thoughts on Flash
Steve Jobs: Thoughts on Flash Perhaps Adobe should focus more on creating great HTML5 tools for the future, and less on criticizing Apple for leaving the past behind.
Steve Wozniak, wearing a Daring Fireball t-shirt, standing in a server room while drinking a beer and looking at his iPhone 3GS: With Fans Like This by Mike Monteiro Via Merlin Mann