Tag: itunes

  • I’ve been digging the custom artwork for the iTunes Store lately.

  • I know, I know. This bugs me, too.

  • iTunes 9 and the Future of WebKit

    iTunes 9 and the Future of WebKitAt a Special Media Event on Wednesday morning, Apple unveiled the latest iPods along with a new version of iTunes, version 9. Apple revitalizes their iPods every year, so this was not unexpected. However, what surprised me was what I first attributed to idle commentary: the redesigned iTunes Store…

  • Mike Steinbaugh’s iTunes 8 Wishlist

    Mike Steinbaugh’s iTunes 8 WishlistMike’s best suggestions are for the ability to manually tag explicit tracks, and searching lyrics. Some other suggestions I’d enjoy: Director field for movies, and Music Videos as its own category in the Source List. Additionally, I am not a huge fan of the tabbed windows to update the content on…

  • Supposably Apple is working on some big features for iTunes 8, including such things as Pandora-like music suggestions based on your listening preferences, and maybe even YouTube music video streaming right in iTunes. Don’t ask me, ask Smaran.in.

  • Embedded Video is Broken

    Embedded Video is BrokenDean Allen, of the beautifully set Textism.com, writes: This happens several times a day: I find myself at Youtube or Vimeo or Brightcove or wherever, begin watching something interesting, and immediately start looking for a way to put that in a corner of my screen so I can continue working or doing,…

  • This is how I like my iTunes – with gratuitous album art. Pretty self-explanatory smart playlists, which all feed into Random, so I have 5GB of proportionate music to listen to on my iPhone at all times. Click to see full-size.