Tag: itunes
I’ve been digging the custom artwork for the iTunes Store lately.
I know, I know. This bugs me, too.
iTunes 9 and the Future of WebKit
iTunes 9 and the Future of WebKitAt a Special Media Event on Wednesday morning, Apple unveiled the latest iPods along with a new version of iTunes, version 9. Apple revitalizes their iPods every year, so this was not unexpected. However, what surprised me was what I first attributed to idle commentary: the redesigned iTunes Store…
Mike Steinbaugh’s iTunes 8 Wishlist
Mike Steinbaugh’s iTunes 8 WishlistMike’s best suggestions are for the ability to manually tag explicit tracks, and searching lyrics. Some other suggestions I’d enjoy: Director field for movies, and Music Videos as its own category in the Source List. Additionally, I am not a huge fan of the tabbed windows to update the content on…
Supposably Apple is working on some big features for iTunes 8, including such things as Pandora-like music suggestions based on your listening preferences, and maybe even YouTube music video streaming right in iTunes. Don’t ask me, ask Smaran.in.
Embedded Video is Broken
Embedded Video is BrokenDean Allen, of the beautifully set Textism.com, writes: This happens several times a day: I find myself at Youtube or Vimeo or Brightcove or wherever, begin watching something interesting, and immediately start looking for a way to put that in a corner of my screen so I can continue working or doing,…
This is how I like my iTunes – with gratuitous album art. Pretty self-explanatory smart playlists, which all feed into Random, so I have 5GB of proportionate music to listen to on my iPhone at all times. Click to see full-size.