Tag: link

  • CSS3 Text-Decoration

    CSS3 Text-DecorationWell, this was a new one on me. Part of the CSS3 Text spec includes text-underline-position: With this property, you can control, for example, whether the underline should cross the text’s descenders or not: auto, before-edge, alphabetic and after-edge. Currently you can use border-bottom to imitate underlined links; however this proposes a more sensible…

  • HTML Tidy

    HTML TidyThis is the HTML Tidy tool I use. It is especially useful for finding and correcting errors in deeply nested HTML. Which one do you use?

  • Aha! Moments When Learning Git

    Aha! Moments When Learning GitFave: git checkout foo.txt (Undo local changes) Often forget that you can just target individual files in this way.

  • Everything you ever wanted to know about unquoted attribute values in HTML and CSS

    Everything you ever wanted to know about unquoted attribute values in HTML and CSSMathias Bynens writes about the intricacies of unquoted attribute values in HTML and CSS. Even though it may seem HTML5-chic to throw loose attributes in your markup, there are enough edge cases that it’s better just to steer clear.

  • Remember window positions with Stay.app

    Remember window positions with Stay.appStay.app has been one of the most helpful apps for my sanity in the last few months. I removed the menu bar item and set up a keyboard shortcut for it (⌃⌥⌘S) and now my windows stay where I want them. Divvy.app is also good when paired with Stay.app for this…

  • Why Every Music Lover Needs a Last.fm Account

    Why Every Music Lover Needs a Last.fm AccountSince I became a Last.fm member in May 20061 I have successfully scrobbled over 40,000 tracks. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how much I like Last.fm (especially with cool new apps accessing its API like SendGig, tweetlouder and Lastweek.fm) and I wanted to share my thoughts…

  • Fuck Yeah CSS Colors!

    Fuck Yeah CSS Colors!Fact: CSS includes 147 standardized color names.

  • Junecloud Automator Actions

    Junecloud Automator ActionsThe one I use most is Make Names Web-Friendly, but Create Clean Archive is pretty handy for web professionals as well.

  • The Death of Files by Dustin Curtis

    The Death of Files by Dustin Curtis The iPhone OS completely removes the concept of a “file.” It promotes apps to being the primary level of user interaction, and it stores related things inside databases that are content-specific. When you pick up your iPhone and want to view photos, you open the Photos app, which…

  • Launch MAMP without Password

    Launch MAMP without PasswordWas annoyed by MAMP inquiring for my password at every startup. Did a little Google work and found the solution: two Applescripts. Difficulty level: Novice. Time: 1 minute. Satisfaction: Achieved.

  • Project Oolong: The Sencha Website Redesign

    Project Oolong: The Sencha Website RedesignDave Kaneda wrote about our website redesign for the Sencha Blog. This is definitely a sophisticated website workflow: Git versioned, SASS compiled, and with some clever JS magic to make sure it works in all browsers. Read all about it!

  • The Swimmer by John Cheever

    The Swimmer by John Cheever Nice short story.

  • Jobs Talks About His Rise and Fall — Newsweek

    Jobs Talks About His Rise and Fall — NewsweekOne of the best Steve Jobs interviews I’ve ever read.

  • Gene Roddenberry’s original pitch for Star Trek

    Gene Roddenberry’s original pitch for Star Trek The 16-page first draft of Gene Roddenberry’s pitch for Star Trek. STAR TREK is a “Wagon Train” concept – built arround characters who travel to worlds “similar” to our own, and meet the action-adventure-drama which becomes our stories. Their transportation is the cruiser “S.S. Yorktown”, performing a well-defined…

  • List of CSS Cursors for WebKit

    List of CSS Cursors for WebKitNeed this every now and then. Thought I had archived it here but I guess not…