Tag: lost
“Bark” I named my iPhone dog Vincent.
5 23 10 6 30 via i.imgur.com
Oh Kaela!: untited: Lost explained (via collegehumor) Desmond might be magic!!!
Neven Mrgan: We’re nearing the series finale of Lost, so I thought I’d share this little bit of fan art I made. Presenting Pixel Lost, 8-bit versions of some of my favorite characters from the show. Since you are now inevitably crying “but where is Libby!” I’m also offering the original Pixel Lost PSD. Add…
Lost DHARMA Initiative Product Labels (via laughingsquid)
Happy LOST Day This season’s LOST has been the best one yet–undoubtedly since it was the first one written. The show has gone on about three seasons too long, and I am happy to finally get some answers. Nevertheless, LOST’s mythology has inspired some amazing artwork. And with mashups like this, I expect it will…
At the end of last week’s LOST, a preview of an upcoming episode featured a sound bite of Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka during the psychedelic boat ride. The verse is actually part of a poem called “The Rowing Song” by Roald Dahl. But what does it mean??
There’s no earthly way of knowing / Which direction we are going / There’s no knowing where we’re rowing / Or which way the river’s flowing / Is it raining? / Is it snowing? / Is a hurricane a-blowing? / Not a speck of light is showing / So the danger must be growing /…
DHARMA logo on a MacBook Pro. Via flashsideways, m4ttyyy.
LostpediaWay too many good theories in here. Tonight, get psyched.
LOST vs. Saul Bass. Tonight, get psyched.
Via jstn: coreena.
sujay: Locke in Black by drMikey (via fuckyeahlost)
Via Zach Tutor.
Kevin Burg: Zach Tutor: Absolutely awesome LOST Season 6 poster from Brazil. Click through for larger version!