Tag: mac os x
Filter iPad/iPhone Screenshots out of your iPhoto
Filter iPad/iPhone Screenshots out of your iPhotoThis handy tip will help you cull your iPhoto library of those hundreds screenshots you take when you’re obsessively working on UI. Create smart albums with the following criteria: For iPad, match all of the following conditions: Aperture is Unknown ISO is Unknown Filename starts with IMG_ Filename contains…
Get colored sidebar icons back in Mac OS X 10.7 Finder I’m not one to rail against every change in UI to the point that I revert Lion to look exactly like Snow Leopard, but the monochromatic sidebar was a major issue of usability to me. I am happy to make this change as I…
Hold down the Option key and drag the column handle to change the default column width. Mac OS X Finder will remember next time you open a window.
Visor – Quake Style Terminal Access
Visor – Quake Style Terminal AccessNoah Stokes: It’s been a while since I’ve used this and it appears to have it’s bugs worked out. By the Quicksilver folks.
Launching 10 apps at once: 200GB HDD vs 48GB SSD Skip to 3:33 for the app launch.
My Ideal Finder Window-size
Setting Up Your Mac For Local Development Using Coda, WordPress & MAMP
Setting Up Your Mac For Local Development Using Coda, WordPress & MAMPWordPress is not just for blogs. WordPress is a highly sophisticated content management system that you can use to develop and manage your client’s professional websites. Best of all, it’s entirely free. To get started it helps to experiment without the hassle of publishing…
Snow Leopard’s default desktop wallpaper is waaaay faster than Leopard’s.
I’m getting excited about all the Apple announcements coming this Tuesday. Please enjoy Sebastiaan de With’s Snow Leopard wallpaper, his Cocoaheads poster, and Peter Hosey’s Survival Guide to WWDC – required reading for newbies.