Tag: macosx

  • Resizing windows in Mac OS X Lion

    Today I discovered that you can resize windows in Mac OS X Lion with the aid of the Option and Shift key, a technique usually reserved for image editing software. Hold down the Option key while resizing the edge of a window to move the opposite edge the same distance. Hold down the Shift key…

  • Remember window positions with Stay.app

    Remember window positions with Stay.appStay.app has been one of the most helpful apps for my sanity in the last few months. I removed the menu bar item and set up a keyboard shortcut for it (⌃⌥⌘S) and now my windows stay where I want them. Divvy.app is also good when paired with Stay.app for this…

  • Junecloud Automator Actions

    Junecloud Automator ActionsThe one I use most is Make Names Web-Friendly, but Create Clean Archive is pretty handy for web professionals as well.

  • Launch MAMP without Password

    Launch MAMP without PasswordWas annoyed by MAMP inquiring for my password at every startup. Did a little Google work and found the solution: two Applescripts. Difficulty level: Novice. Time: 1 minute. Satisfaction: Achieved.

  • Twitter for Mac adds a new contextual menu item when you select text in Safari. If you’re a web dev like me, you often want the final item to be “Inspect Element”. Go to System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts > Services > Files & Folders to disable the “Tweet” service. I also disabled…

  • Parallels Desktop is by far the ugliest thing in my Dock. Any suggestions for a replacement icon?

  • I have a single text file in my dock called TODO.txt. I open it every day and after years of experimenting with different task management apps from simple command line tools to sophisticated online information storage systems I always came back to plain text files. Why I love text files by Matthias Endler

  • I’m pretty sure Apple has no further interest in helping people manage their media through the use of hard disks located in the home. The next truly significant revision of iTunes, whether in server form or not, will surely be in the cloud. Khoi Vinh I’ve been using ZumoCast, your iTunes music in the cloud,…

  • Mark Nichols: Still running iTunes 9. NEVER LET ME GO. Same here. My goal is to transfer iTunes 9 and my whole collection to a Mac mini media server I set up soon. iTunes 9 FOREVER.

  • Nice try, Liz Lemon.

  • Okay, make that three really awesome Safari Extensions for me so far. My latest favorite, BetterSource, allows you to see syntax-highlighted source code, both generated and original.

  • What do you guys put in Grouping for iTunes?

  • I love that *this* works.

    Peter Baker: “Shiiit” comes out exactly as it should. (On a Mac, Control+click the word > Speech > Start Speaking) Also, try “Mac OS X”. It’ll blow your mind.

  • Scrolling through a music library using iTunes on a Mac versus the iTunes-like iPod app on an iPad. The performance difference is amazing. I wonder if this has to do with SSD versus HDD?

  • Multi-Safari

    Multi-SafariSafari 5 is my new favorite browser, but I was a little hesitant to upgrade until I’d figured out how I could keep Safari 4. The Multi-Safari project solves that handily. The Multi-Safari website allows you to download all the previous versions of Safari back to 1.0. Every version is specially packaged to use the…