Tag: mindfulness

  • If you have goals in life, you’re probably going to need some sort of organization. Even if it’s an organization of just you, it’s still helpful to think of it as a kind of machine. You don’t need to do every part of the process yourself — you just need to set up the machine…

  • Curation, Community and the Future of News

    Curation, Community and the Future of NewsThe Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University concludes: People are clearly overwhelmed by the growing volume and weight of digital content and messaging that they feel compelled to process. To deal with this, I’ve been very mindful of where I put my attention of late, especially when it…

  • Most online experiences are made, like fast food, to be cheap, easy, and addictive: appealing to our hunger for connection but rarely serving up nourishment. Shrink-wrapped junk food experiences are handed to us for free by social media companies, and we swallow them up eagerly, like kids given buckets of candy with ads on all…

  • Is there a way to engage in this kind of behavior and not have it be like a rat pushing a button for a fix? Is there such a thing as calm ambient awareness that’s not overly tied up in your ego? Chris Muscarella on mobile phone notifications.

  • The realtime web has become a habit. It’s a twitch. I do it without thinking. More importantly, when I succumb to the reflex of checking it every few minutes or seconds, I do so at the expense of thinking. When is the last time you stood in line at a bank without checking your iPhone?…

  • A mobile interface is an interface for a moment. The goal isn’t deep consideration of a thing. The goal is instant assessment of, well, everything. When I pull my phone out of my pocket, I want to answer a fairly impossible question: “How has everything I care about in the online universe changed since I…