Tag: music

  • Via Joseph Schmitt: This is the best thing I’ve seen all week. Keep up the good work, Internet: SiriProxy is used to intercept the communication with Apple’s servers. Based on your song request, Notorious Siri then sends your choice of Notorious B.I.G.’s Hypnotize and an a-cappella rendition of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody to the device (the…

  • Alex Clare, “Caroline” I found this song randomly on Hype Machine. Nice modern blues. Hit me up.

  • “The Art of Listening” by John Carey

    “The Art of Listening” by John Carey When was the last time you sat or laid down to listen to an album all the way through, start to finish? Just you, the music, the environment you are in, and maybe a significant other. … Many people seem to think it is unreasonable to do something…

  • I always liked how The Roots have track listing numbers relative to their entire catalog. So I did it, too.

  • Why Every Music Lover Needs a Last.fm Account

    Why Every Music Lover Needs a Last.fm AccountSince I became a Last.fm member in May 20061 I have successfully scrobbled over 40,000 tracks. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how much I like Last.fm (especially with cool new apps accessing its API like SendGig, tweetlouder and Lastweek.fm) and I wanted to share my thoughts…

  • “Congratulations” by MGMT Me and this song are going to hang out forever.

  • “Debris” by Faces

  • I’m pretty sure Apple has no further interest in helping people manage their media through the use of hard disks located in the home. The next truly significant revision of iTunes, whether in server form or not, will surely be in the cloud. Khoi Vinh I’ve been using ZumoCast, your iTunes music in the cloud,…

  • Mark Nichols: Still running iTunes 9. NEVER LET ME GO. Same here. My goal is to transfer iTunes 9 and my whole collection to a Mac mini media server I set up soon. iTunes 9 FOREVER.

  • Useful iTunes Smart Playlists

    Useful iTunes Smart PlaylistsPeter Hosey shares how he funnels lots of music into limited storage.

  • I have an enormous amount of music. Suffice it to say that a 64GB iPhone isn’t going to cut it if I want to carry all of it around with me all the time, which I do. And I’m not about to carry around multiple devices just because I might want to hear one song.…

  • Yo, I was going too but we roam, cellular phones Doc-Meth back in the flesh, blood and bones Don’t condone, spent bank loans on homegrown Suckers break like Turbo in Ozone When I, grab the broom Moon-walk platoon hawk my goons bark Leave you in a blue lagoon lost (true) Three nines and a glove…

  • “Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains)” by Arcade Fire Lyrics, voice, everything. This song is great. Via Marieva

  • “Kiola Beach” by Hot Spa

  • Dr. Dre ft Snoop – The Next Episode (Jay Robinson Remix)