Tag: painting

  • Independence (Squire Jack Porter) by Frank Blackwell Mayer, 1858.

  • Jay Robinson (born 1915), Billie Holiday Singing the Blues, 1947, Oil on canvas.

  • Penninsula Park by suzi54241. I love the detail and style in this iPad painting. Neven Mrgan linked to some great iPad art this morning. Here’s mine. My drawing ability seems to be perpetually better than a 1st grader but worse than a 6th grader. I’d love to see your iPhone/iPad original artwork. Photo reply to…

  • My first painting on iPad is of Ext JS CEO and all-around great guy Abe Elias. This doesn’t look exactly like Abe, but he was a good sport about it. If you’re curious, I used the Brushes app and a $15 Pogo Sketch stylus. Highly recommend both.