Tag: photo

  • Check out my Flight Tracker demo on Dribbble. One, two, three shots!

  • Some sick iPhone speakers you’ve probably never heard of: The Nixon TPS Portable Stereo Speaker System. Buy one as a portable iPhone speaker. Or buy two and connect for stereo sound. Rechargeable 6-hour battery, or USB-powered. Wires tuck neatly away into solid aluminum chassis. $80. Watch the video and see if you’re not convinced.

  • Kama Sutra, illustrations by Malika Favre.

  • Scientists Discover the Oldest, Largest Body of Water In Existence—In Space This blows my mind.

  • The Las Vegas Star Trek Attraction That Almost Came to Life in 1992: In 1992, downtown Las Vegas had become a distant second to the Las Vegas Strip. … The loss of business was turning the downtown area into a “ghost town” and something needed to be done quickly. The city needed an attraction –…

  • Dribbble’d a space shot this afternoon.

  • Coffee and Camera animated gif. (Maxed out).

  • Stereo Speaker on Dribbble.

  • From Ken Segall’s new book, Insanely Simple: The Obsession That Drives Apple’s Success: Steve’s idea was to do a Willy Wonka with it. Just as Wonka did in the movie, Steve wanted to put a golden certificate representing the millionth iMac inside the box of one iMac, and publicize that fact. Whoever opened the lucky…

  • Ralph McQuarrie, an influential scenic designer for Star Wars, died last Saturday. Click through to see more terrific examples of his work.

  • Just installed an unnecessary amount of Firefoxes, via Gregory Koberger: curl -L -O <a href="https://github.com/omgmog/install-all-firefox/raw/master/install-all-firefox.sh">https://github.com/omgmog/install-all-firefox/raw/master/install-all-firefox.sh</a> chmod +x install-all-firefox.sh ./install-all-firefox.sh [version] [locale] Version and locale are option. If you don’t use a locale, it will try to figure out your locale. If you don’t have a version, it will install all available versions of Firefox. If…

  • A little less than two years ago, Dave Kaneda and Tommy Maintz got it on this couch in Palo Alto and made a baby called Ext Touch. Today, the Touch team releases Sencha Touch 2. What a beautiful thing to behold.

  • Sencha Tumblr: Today we’re proud to announce the release of Sencha Touch 2.0. With a huge focus on performance, simplified API, and native packaging on both Mac and Windows, we’re certain it will change the way you think about mobile apps. Photos courtesy of the lovely Tatiana Iskandar. Inadvertent hand model Bruno Tavares. Beautiful apps…

  • Just a painting of some humpbacks chillin’ in outer space.

  • Sencha Tumblr: Create rapid prototypes of your next great web app in Photoshop with the new Sencha Touch GUI PSD from TimeWave Media: “We’ve created a layered Photoshop PSD file based off of the Sencha Touch Kitchen Sink demo app, as well as their new [Touch Charts] interface features. This file is intended to serve…