Tag: photo

  • This Magic Mouse-inspired iPhone mockup is a cool concept. Though it would feel good in your hand, setting it down on its back would be chaotic. I’m not sure Apple would ever release a device with such a dramatic curve. Perhaps something between this and the curve on the iPad 3 could work. Click through…

  • Sencha Tumblr: IGN’s new iPad app built with Sencha Touch debuted on the Apple App Store today. We’re particularly impressed with the lengths they went styling components for a custom theme, not to mention how responsive the app is in a native package. We highly recommend checking it out on the App Store, it’s free!

  • Why are dinosaurs so damned interesting? I vividly remember learning about dinosaurs as a child, and spent hours drawing them. It made my imagination run wild when I learned that no one knows what color they were. Image via Everything You Wanted to Know About Dinosaur Sex at Smithsonian.com.

  • If you, like me, find Apple’s new desktop image for Mountain Lion rather boring, why not try this image of the M83 spiral galaxy from the Hubble Space Telescope?

  • iOS ’86 by Anton Repponen (via szymon) Oh my, this is beautiful.

  • It is Wednesday. So enjoy this weird close-up photo of my hands currently gracing the Sencha.com homepage. Photo by Tatiana Iskandar.

  • Was thinking about the ideal dock to display my iPad landscape, then this turned up in my feed: The Magnus Magnetic Stand for iPad 2 by Ten One Design. Beautifully machined from recycled aluminum, the low frontward profile is just what I was thinking. I hope it works with my iPad 3.

  • To be honest, I’ve always thought the Enterprise-D was a pretty funny looking ship. Odd proportions.

  • If you’re not using Xscope 3’s new Golden Section feature to plan your designs, what kind of a designer are you?

  • New Years Resolution: Design and develop an LCARS app.

  • New Years Resolution: Take a drawing class.

  • If you’re looking for a book to buy me, you could do worse than Outdoor Pastimes of an American Hunter by Theodore Roosevelt. What a badass.

  • Was thinking it would be cool to own a Polaroid camera, and I found this, the Polaroid Z340. It prints 4×3 photos in under a minute, has room for 10 photo sheets, and you can buy 30-packs for $17.50 (on Amazon). Bad news is the battery will die after taking and printing about 25 shots.…

  • Thanks, Marcelo, for sharing your chimarrão with me.

  • Looking forward to using one of these BookBacks by Dodocase on my iPad 3.