Tag: reading

  • I download a lot of books, but they just sit there and get lost in my Kindle. I forget about them. So I developed this hack: I add books I want to read to my Amazon Wishlist. Every once in a while I dump that into Fancy Hands and reserve all the books at the…

  • The Book of the Future, NYTimes.com.

  • Give the people contests they win by remembering the words to more popular songs or the names of state capitals or how much corn Iowa grew last year. Cram them full of noncombustible data, chock them so damned full of ‘facts’ they feel stuffed, but absolutely ‘brilliant’ with information. Then they’ll feel they’re thinking… Ray…

  • Books I Read in 2011

    One of my New Years Resolutions in 2011 was to read two books a month. I didn’t quite hit my goal as I was often out enjoying the countryside during summer. However, I did succeed in making reading a daily habit. I enjoy balancing fiction with non-fiction. Non-fiction appeals to my left-brain and I feel…

  • Mike Steinbaugh’s iTunes 8 Wishlist

    Mike Steinbaugh’s iTunes 8 WishlistMike’s best suggestions are for the ability to manually tag explicit tracks, and searching lyrics. Some other suggestions I’d enjoy: Director field for movies, and Music Videos as its own category in the Source List. Additionally, I am not a huge fan of the tabbed windows to update the content on…

  • Embedded Video is Broken

    Embedded Video is BrokenDean Allen, of the beautifully set Textism.com, writes: This happens several times a day: I find myself at Youtube or Vimeo or Brightcove or wherever, begin watching something interesting, and immediately start looking for a way to put that in a corner of my screen so I can continue working or doing,…

  • The History of Visual Communication

    The History of Visual Communication Many of the geometric patterns (known as form constants) which recur in petroglyphs and cave paintings have been shown to be “hard-wired” into the human brain; they frequently occur in visual disturbances and hallucinations brought on by drugs, migraine and other stimuli. Fascinating article, definitely one to bookmark and sit…

  • Clive Thompson Thinks: Desktop Orb Could Reform Energy Hogs

    Clive Thompson Thinks: Desktop Orb Could Reform Energy Hogs

  • German town’s traffic plan to remove signs, curbs

    German town’s traffic plan to remove signs, curbs It seems counterintuitive to give drivers less information, by taking away street signs, stop lights and lane markings, to make them drive more safely. It’s supposed to help reclaim the streets for pedestrians and bicyclists. … He compares the Shared Space concept to an ice skating rink.…

  • How to crash a Windows Vista box in 10 seconds

    How to crash a Windows Vista box in 10 seconds

  • The Canary Islands were named for dogs. The birds were named after the islands. Via The Best Thing I Learned Today.

  • Nick Devlin reviews the Canon G9

    Nick Devlin reviews the Canon G9Compelling write-up of Canon’s new $500 prosumer camera. If you want to take pictures like a pro but don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on a DSLR, this might be the camera for you. I seriously considered buying one before coming to South Korea. Via James Duncan Davidson.

  • Pitchfork Give Music 6.8 – The Onion

    Pitchfork Give Music 6.8 – The Onion Music, a mode of creative expression consisting of sound and silence expressed through time, was given a 6.8 out of 10 rating in an review published Monday on Pitchfork Media, a well-known music-criticism website. … “Music used to be great, but let’s be honest, it’s a 6.8 now…

  • Atlantropa

    Atlantropa, a concept from the 1920’s by the architect Herman Sorgel, is profoundly weird. The concept was to dam the Strait of Gibraltar in order to unify the continents of Africa and Europe, and thereby allow the super-continent to compete with Asia and the Americas. Via Biourbanist.

  • Alaska the ‘poster state’ for climate concerns – USA Today

    Alaska the ‘poster state’ for climate concerns – USA Today The spruce budworm, aspen leaf miner and the spruce bark beetle, pests once kept in check by winter cold, are flourishing here. Statewide, insect outbreaks have killed more than 4 million acres of forest in a decade and a half, says John Morton, a biologist…