Tag: sass
Getting Sassy with CSS
Getting Sassy with CSSDavid Kaneda: My newest post on the Sencha blog covering the wonders of SASS and Compass. Includes a full getting started guide and covers some of the techniques we used in developing the themes for Sencha Touch. Via Sencha tumblelog.
Chris Eppstein Refactors Digg.com’s Stylesheets Using SASS
Chris Eppstein Refactors Digg.com’s Stylesheets Using SASSSpoiler: He reduces the lines of code by 32% and fixes six bugs without trying.
Sass 3 Beta Released
Sass 3 Beta ReleasedDavid Kaneda: If you’re a web developer and haven’t given Sass a try yet, get into it ASAP. It a Ruby gem that abstracts CSS — it empowers the CSS with functions and variables, saves a ton of development time, and even makes it easier to be more consistent with your designs. Here’s…