Tag: screenshot

  • Instapaper shows you the tweet that compelled you to bookmark the article. If only browser tabs reminded you why you opened them, then productivity++.

  • When I made this Smart Playlist it was right after I’d updated iTunes and I thought I’d discovered a new feature. I hoped “most often played” “in the last 7 days” would be more like the screenshot below, only showing songs I’d played more in the last 7 days, like a Top 40 of my…

  • Dave made this Welcome page. Nick prettified the API Docs. And I made this page. Sencha Inc. is getting seriously pretty.

  • Made a page ‘n’ stuff.

  • Sencha Touch 1.0 is free for commercial use. Read all about it in our blog post. Designed this page last night, made it today. Here’s how it looks in Japanese!

  • I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. What is going on here?

  • “Doing it with ‘Mac’… –or– “I ♥ Susan Kare” In this television piece on the original Apple Macintosh computer, designer Susan Kare spells out user interface concepts that we take for granted now, e.g. pull down menus described as operating like “window shades”. She also explains how and why the Mac uses rich graphics to…

  • I played around with my theme again today. Let me know what you think @jayrobinson

  • This is how Jay Robinson’s personal website looks now.

  • This is how Jay Robinson’s personal website used to look.

  • Supposably Apple is working on some big features for iTunes 8, including such things as Pandora-like music suggestions based on your listening preferences, and maybe even YouTube music video streaming right in iTunes. Don’t ask me, ask Smaran.in.

  • This is how I like my iTunes – with gratuitous album art. Pretty self-explanatory smart playlists, which all feed into Random, so I have 5GB of proportionate music to listen to on my iPhone at all times. Click to see full-size.