Tag: star trek

  • Nichelle Nichols with real NASA astronaut Mae Jemison on the set of Star Trek: The Next Generation (“Second Chances”, 1993). Mae Jemison was the first African American woman to travel in space aboard the Endeavour on September 12, 1992. She has cited Nichols’ role of Lieutenant Uhura as her inspiration for wanting to become an…

  • It’s not difficult to watch some Riker-centric scenes in TNG and come to the conclusion that his face is just a straight-up sex thermometer. Like, any time Riker is smiling, he’s ready to go. Whomever or whatever. That smile is upstairs and downstairs. —Josh Millard

  • brotherbrain: Worf, Son of Mogh by Brother Brain ★ Star Trek: The Next Generation (SNES) Spectrum HoloByte 1995.  Worf killin’ it at tactical.

  • “A revealing way of describing science fiction is to say that it is part of a literary mode which one may call ‘fabril’*. ‘Fabril’ is the opposite of ‘pastoral’. But while the pastoral is an established and much discussed literary mode, recognized as such since early antiquity, its dark opposite has not yet been accepted,…

  • This render of the Enterprise-D is awesome. Go to Flickr to see the high-res and give this guy some props, please.

  • Original wardrobe and makeup test for Levar Burton as Geordi LaForge on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Via Scott Jackson.

  • The Las Vegas Star Trek Attraction That Almost Came to Life in 1992: In 1992, downtown Las Vegas had become a distant second to the Las Vegas Strip. … The loss of business was turning the downtown area into a “ghost town” and something needed to be done quickly. The city needed an attraction –…

  • Gymnopédie No. 1 by Erik Satie In the final 20 minutes of his life, Picard chooses to spend five of it listening to this beautiful piece, “Gynompédie No. 1”, composed by Erik Satie. You’re welcome.

  • To be honest, I’ve always thought the Enterprise-D was a pretty funny looking ship. Odd proportions.

  • Extremely close examination of the impulse drive system schematic panel in Main Engineering might reveal that one of the components is labeled “Infinite Improbability Generation,” a tip of the hat to Douglas Adams’s Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Mike Okuda, Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual. Apparently when the blu-ray disks come out, we’ll…

  • New Years Resolution: Design and develop an LCARS app.

  • Picard, with hair!

  • “Computer… Computer…”