Tag: stevejobs

  • The background needs more texture. Steve Jobs is personally responsible for all the texture in iOS 5.

  • Sencha tumblr: We put a little tribute on Sencha.com to honor Steve Jobs.

  • Steve Jobs as iconized by Susan Kare, 1984 versus 2011.

  • One of Jobs’s many gifts was that he knew what to give a shit about. “Universe Dented, Grass Underfoot” by John Gruber

  • I’ve been looking at the Google logo on the iPhone and I’m not happy with the icon. The second O in Google doesn’t have the right yellow gradient. It’s just wrong and I’m going to have Greg fix it tomorrow. Is that okay with you? Steve Jobs Fucking love this guy.

  • One of my favorite photos of Steve Jobs. (See more of my ridiculous treasure trove of Steve paraphernalia.)

  • Steve Jobs circa 1984. Illustration by Matthew Phelan.

  • Steve Jobs and Bill Gates at Jobs’ Palo Alto home in 1991.

  • Hate the cover. Hate the title. Pre-ordered.

  • I can’t communicate to you how awesome this is unless you use it. … carrying around these computers with tons of data in them is byzantine by comparison. — Steve Jobs, WWDC 1997. If you want to hear a bit of subject matter that Steve Jobs will reignite tomorrow, listen to his closing remarks at…

  • I know I’m a few days late on this, but happy birthday Steve!

  • Jobs Talks About His Rise and Fall — Newsweek

    Jobs Talks About His Rise and Fall — NewsweekOne of the best Steve Jobs interviews I’ve ever read.

  • I like this photo of Tim Cook and Steve Jobs because it demonstrates the #1 Rule of Working with Steve: Never, ever look him in the eyes.

  • I like this photo of Tim Cook and Steve Jobs because demonstrates the #1 Rule of Working with Steve: Never, ever look him in the eyes.

  • [Steve] Jobs’s personal cure for relieving fatigue: massaging his feet in the flush of a toilet bowl. From Return to the Little Kingdom by Michael Moritz. Well look at that, you learn something new every day.