Tag: text

  • What’s Bigger Than A Terabyte?

    Erin Marchak: 1024 Bytes = 1 Kilobyte1024 Kilobytes = 1 Megabyte 1024 Megabytes = 1 Gigabyte 1024 Gigabytes = 1 Terabyte 1024 Terabytes = 1 Petabyte 1024 Petabytes = 1 Exabyte1024 Exabytes = 1 Zettabyte 1024 Zettabyte = 1 Zottabyte 1024 Zottabyte = 1 Brontobyte In 2000, 3 exabytes of information were created. I’m so…

  • I find it somewhat mind-boggling that Tumblr doesn’t have this kind of URL structure: mydomain.com/type/photos.

  • How I Learned to Stop Caring and Love The OS

    I don’t even want multi-tasking on my iPhone anymore, really. I’ll go even further. I couldn’t be convinced that Steve Jobs wants multi-tasking either. The iPhone OS allows you to focus on the task ahead of you. Sure, short inline replies to SMS, maybe one or two other Apple apps that run in the background,…

  • How revolutionary does Apple see the iPad?

    Very. The iPad and this idea of a next generation operating system has been on Steve Jobs’ mind since he returned to Apple. Here’s Jobs talking to Fortune magazine in 1996: “If I were running Apple, I would milk the Macintosh for all it’s worth — and get busy on the next great thing. The…

  • Apple sure went to a lot of trouble to pack a butt-load of features into the new iPod nano, huh? And invested a lot of time in honing the UI for small screen apps like voice recorder and pedometer on a device that still uses the supposedly antiquated iPod column-view interface®. And they threw in…

  • iTunes 9 and the Future of WebKit

    iTunes 9 and the Future of WebKitAt a Special Media Event on Wednesday morning, Apple unveiled the latest iPods along with a new version of iTunes, version 9. Apple revitalizes their iPods every year, so this was not unexpected. However, what surprised me was what I first attributed to idle commentary: the redesigned iTunes Store…

  • Setting Up Your Mac For Local Development Using Coda, WordPress & MAMP

    Setting Up Your Mac For Local Development Using Coda, WordPress & MAMPWordPress is not just for blogs. WordPress is a highly sophisticated content management system that you can use to develop and manage your client’s professional websites. Best of all, it’s entirely free. To get started it helps to experiment without the hassle of publishing…

  • Help Me Study For Stanford CS193P

    Are you an iPhone developer? Me neither! But I’d like to be… I have been trying hard to get into the material provided free of charge by Stanford for their CS193P course covering Cocoa Programming (iPhone Application Programming). July seems the perfect month to quit procrastinating, and start learning – the original course started in…

  • Safari/Webkit CSS3 Snippets for TextMate

    Safari/Webkit CSS3 Snippets for TextMateWebKitBits: Wishing Line has released an open-source TextMate bundle which assists in writing WebKit specific CSS3 properties: The bundle, which currently contains nearly every new -webkit-prefixed property currently listed in Apple’s Safari/Webkit documentation along with a few snippets of code related to creating and using offline SQLite databases in Webkit is available via the project’s Google…

  • Star Trek

    Justin Ouellette: Fucking rad.

  • iPhone App Icons

    iPhone App IconsNeven Mrgan: Here’s my pick of the best iPhone app icons […] Notice a trend? Almost all of these icons say “no thanks” to iPhone’s default gloss effect […] Of Apple’s 20 iPhone apps, 7 don’t use the effect, and 2 fudge it a bit (YouTube and Clock, which apply this only to…

  • Add /rss to convert any Tumblr search or tag results URL into a feed

    junesix: While playing around with the new Tumblr search feature, ianbroyles discovered you can add /rss to the end of any Tumblr search URL to change it into a RSS feed. So if you were only interested in subscribing to my posts about “photography”, the URL for the RSS feed would be http://junesix.org/search/photography/rss. I noticed…

  • Unfortunately, I’ve found that the answer to most problems is rarely “more internet”. Good night.

  • My Life So Far

    Born in the sleepy town of Soldotna, Alaska. Moved near the sleepy waters of Lake Stevens, Washington. Some stuff happened. After high school, I moved to Seattle and slanged fish. Migrated to that Great Continent, Europa. Spent 4 months backpacking, not a picture to share. Decided school would be a good next step, attended University…

  • When I was little, I used to think that if aliens were excavating the remains of an extinct human race, they would probably mistake our entertainment centers for altars.