Tag: Video

  • “How much would you pay for the Universe?”

  • Awesome original video by Brad Goodspeed showing planets viewed from Earth as if they were at the same distance as our moon.

  • Download my Safari Extension: MaxVid Full-Window Flash Videos for YouTube & Vimeo I made my first Safari browser extension to maximize YouTube and Vimeo Flash videos to the size of the window. Now you have a window you can position anywhere on the screen to watch videos while you do other things. After using it…

  • Rich Boy, “Throw Some D’s”

  • Sencha Tumblr: Join the HTML5 revolution with Sencha Touch 2 and build mobile apps for every Android, iOS, and BlackBerry. We’re excited to share with you the power of web technology: incredible performance, beautiful themes, and endless possibilities. Product launches move fast at Sencha, and we’re a very small team. When you’re inspired to work…

  • Unlike conventional approaches which quantize emotions into classes, [this demo] defines emotions by two continuous variables arousal and valence and employs regression algorithms to predict them. Associated with arousal and valence values (AV values), each music sample becomes a point in the arousal-valence emotion plane, so a user can easily retrieve music samples of certain…

  • Via Joseph Schmitt: This is the best thing I’ve seen all week. Keep up the good work, Internet: SiriProxy is used to intercept the communication with Apple’s servers. Based on your song request, Notorious Siri then sends your choice of Notorious B.I.G.’s Hypnotize and an a-cappella rendition of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody to the device (the…

  • .

  • Nerded out this evening with some stupid Trek videos. This Star Trek sitcom would be even better if the editor had spliced together a montage of slow-mo smiling faces for the title sequence, almost .

  • “Pyramid Song” by Radiohead This was the first Radiohead music video I ever saw. I remember it well; I was transfixed.

  • “” by Mark Ronson. I’m in a bike-y mood.

  • I can’t communicate to you how awesome this is unless you use it. … carrying around these computers with tons of data in them is byzantine by comparison. — Steve Jobs, WWDC 1997. If you want to hear a bit of subject matter that Steve Jobs will reignite tomorrow, listen to his closing remarks at…

  • iPad vs iPad 2:

  • By Laura Taylor.