Tag: Video
“How much would you pay for the Universe?”
Awesome original video by Brad Goodspeed showing planets viewed from Earth as if they were at the same distance as our moon.
Download my Safari Extension: MaxVid Full-Window Flash Videos for YouTube & Vimeo I made my first Safari browser extension to maximize YouTube and Vimeo Flash videos to the size of the window. Now you have a window you can position anywhere on the screen to watch videos while you do other things. After using it…
Rich Boy, “Throw Some D’s”
Sencha Tumblr: Join the HTML5 revolution with Sencha Touch 2 and build mobile apps for every Android, iOS, and BlackBerry. We’re excited to share with you the power of web technology: incredible performance, beautiful themes, and endless possibilities. Product launches move fast at Sencha, and we’re a very small team. When you’re inspired to work…
Unlike conventional approaches which quantize emotions into classes, [this demo] defines emotions by two continuous variables arousal and valence and employs regression algorithms to predict them. Associated with arousal and valence values (AV values), each music sample becomes a point in the arousal-valence emotion plane, so a user can easily retrieve music samples of certain…
Via Joseph Schmitt: This is the best thing I’ve seen all week. Keep up the good work, Internet: SiriProxy is used to intercept the communication with Apple’s servers. Based on your song request, Notorious Siri then sends your choice of Notorious B.I.G.’s Hypnotize and an a-cappella rendition of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody to the device (the…
Amazing imagery of the Earth from space.
Nerded out this evening with some stupid Trek videos. This Star Trek sitcom would be even better if the editor had spliced together a montage of slow-mo smiling faces for the title sequence, almost like this dork did.
“Pyramid Song” by Radiohead This was the first Radiohead music video I ever saw. I remember it well; I was transfixed.
“The Bike Song” by Mark Ronson. I’m in a bike-y mood.
I can’t communicate to you how awesome this is unless you use it. … carrying around these computers with tons of data in them is byzantine by comparison. — Steve Jobs, WWDC 1997. If you want to hear a bit of subject matter that Steve Jobs will reignite tomorrow, listen to his closing remarks at…
iPad vs iPad 2: RAM performance in Mobile Safari
By Laura Taylor.