Tag: webapps

  • SenchaInc: Very pleased to see Joseph Schmitt’s incredible implementation of Sencha Touch to build the Vimeo Awards Festival app. Joseph modified our default theme to match the Vimeo brand, and used LocalStorage to let users save their own favorite sessions. Though the awards festival is now over, you can still check out the finalist videos…

  • Love mobile dev? Live in the Bay Area? Let’s kick it.

    Love mobile dev? Live in the Bay Area? Let’s kick it.Come hang out with me, David Kaneda, and the Sencha crew in our Palo Alto offices tomorrow. We’ll be hacking on Sencha Touch from 1 to 5pm.

  • SenchaInc: $50,000 in Cash & Prizes for the Sencha Touch App Contest Submit your Sencha Touch web app and compete to win crazy loot in our biggest developer contest ever. Get together with a group of up to five developers and create a mind-blowing Sencha Touch web app! 1st Prize: Mac Pro & 27″ LED…

  • Sencha Touch 0.95ß is out. The theme is looking absolutely gorgeous— fully resolution independent on a Retina Display. A round of applause please for Mr. David Kaneda. If you haven’t yet, try out the Kitchen Sink app and don’t forget to save to Home Screen!

  • Sencha: HTML5 Sencha Touch App vs. native iPhone App side by side (HD) (via touchNOC) Sencha Touch beta 4 (.94) was released today — Read the release notes or download it and try it for yourself.

  • Dmitry Baranovskiy, the talented designer/developer who created RaphaëlJS, has a web app for copying pasting the correct keyboard shortcut symbols for your Mac. It’s called Mac Kbd Converter. Try pressing Option + Shift + K on your Mac.

  • CopyPasteCharacter

    CopyPasteCharacterif ( iPhone ) { url( http://mrgan.com/gb/ ) // Neven Mrgan’s Glyphboard } else if ( Desktop ) { url( http://www.copypastecharacter.com/ ) }

  • zhasar: lastgraph rendering of the last 6 months of my music listening history  When I finally created a last.fm account in December, it was not because I wanted to join a “social music revolution” but because I was interested in data. Sure iTunes kept track every song I played, but last.fm scrobbles were more easily…

  • Wikipedia has been given an overhaul, and I like it. (Via Nostrich.)

  • Justin Ouellette: Go here on an iPad: itllbebetter.com Or an iPhone, or iPod touch, or Safari, or Firefox, or Chrome, or Opera. I’m done with Flash. Muxtape rewritten in HTML5 is about a quarter of its previous length (and complexity) and uses no plugins. Other than Firefox requiring ogg versions of the audio all the…

  • The Touch-Friendly Web Keeps on Growing

    The Touch-Friendly Web Keeps on Growing In the company’s last report, Taptu estimated that the size of touch-friendly Web would reach half a million sites by the end of the year and about 1 million by the end of 2011. Given these new numbers, however, Taptu now estimates that there will be 1.1 million touch-optimized…

  • State of Web Development ripped a new one

    State of Web Development ripped a new oneJoe Hewitt is my hero.

  • Then there is Ext JS. UI maven, FLEX-ala-JS wonder, builder of UI components you could cut glass on. You could build an empire upon their grid component, templating via containers and XTemplate is a wonder, and its baked in extensibility and data “store” model is a dream. Grant Shepert, jQuery and or Ext JS (via…

  • What does Facebook know about you?

    What does Facebook know about you?Enter your Facebook ID and this website discloses all public Facebook info.

  • HTML5 Arcade Games

    HTML5 Arcade Games The [games] which you can download here is my personal dream … It is a set of libraries, tools and presets to create pixelated indie-style 8/16-bit era games in Javascript that runs in your browser without any Flash plugin, making use of a small small small subset of the HTML5 features, that…