Tag: webdesign
Cross-browser kerning-pairs & ligatures: Improved handling of kerning pairs and ligatures in modern browsers using the text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; declaration. The declaration is currently supported by: Safari, The Webkit Nightlies & Chrome. Firefox already uses optimizeLegibility by default.
How HTML 5 link prefetching can make your site load faster with one line of code.
How HTML 5 link prefetching can make your site load faster with one line of code.
What the Hex?!?
nudgeup: yizzle: I made this little game to train myself to read hex values. http://yizzle.com/whatthehex/ Awesome idea for a game that Yizzle whipped after being inspired from some random conversations. So simple but so good. There’s so many ways to go with this. The mind boggles. This is my new favorite thing.
The Touch-Friendly Web Keeps on Growing
The Touch-Friendly Web Keeps on Growing In the company’s last report, Taptu estimated that the size of touch-friendly Web would reach half a million sites by the end of the year and about 1 million by the end of 2011. Given these new numbers, however, Taptu now estimates that there will be 1.1 million touch-optimized…
State of Web Development ripped a new one
State of Web Development ripped a new oneJoe Hewitt is my hero.
catharsis: Should I Make a Flash Site? This one’s an oldie-but-goodie. The discussion re: SEO and accessibility was always a trying one to have, but thankfully, the iPhone/iPad and web technologies have advanced to the point where this is a much easier conversation to have. Site note: I can’t believe no one has this single-serving…
CSS3 Click Chart
CSS3 Click ChartVery handy quick reference for CSS3, or CSS3-like effects in many browsers including IE. However, it is best viewed in Chrome 4+, Safari 4+, or Firefox 3.6+.
Ext JS Tumblelog: Ext Designer has been officially released. Since our original soft release, we’ve had over 40,000 downloads and fixed over 100 bugs. This screencast shows how to create a simple product browser in under five minutes. I published this screencast this afternoon on our Ext JS Blog and the Ext Designer product page.…
CSSDesk is another beautiful web app by Pixelmatrix Design aka Josh Pyles. Josh says to use this when you want to try out some code but you don’t want to fire up a text editor. Might be handy in a pinch, or for beginners. Read more about CSSDesk on Josh’s weblog.
Smaller PNGs using Fireworks
Smaller PNGs using FireworksDave Shea has the skinny on smaller PNGs. It involves saving 32bit PNGs from Photoshop, then optimizing in Fireworks. Read his post for the full details. Via 2105.
“0to255 is a simple tool that helps web designers find variations of any color.” What more can I say? This is a beautiful app.
Detecting iPad with PHP/JS/htaccess
Detecting iPad with PHP/JS/htaccessDavid Walsh writes how to detect the iPad using PHP, JavaScript and htaccess. As a bonus, here’s how to do it with CSS:
Ext JS Tumblelog: Theresa Neil details several aspects of rich internet application screen design, like structure, layout, and UI controls.
Trent Walton uses CSS3 background-clip text & @font-face to create this fantastic digital poster. Love the cross-hatch pattern used for the text shadow. (via webkitbits, esquareda)