Tag: webkit
Neven Mrgan, per usual, bringing the WebKit funky.
WebKitBits: Jay Robinson posts a great comparison between WebKit’s Web Inspector and Firefox’s Firebug extension. WebKitBits has featured the Web Inspector rundown I wrote about in December. Some of these issues have already been addressed in the WebKit Nightlies.
I want my sites to look Safari in Safari, and Safari in every other major browser out there. Noah Stokes
S. A. Fari, Web Inspector by Flickr user iPjtr. Andy Clarke’s Hardboiled project was the inspiration for this fictional business card.
My fundamental problem with Web Inspector is … The CSS view does not resemble a stylesheet, and the HTML view does not resemble source code. Firebug does, and I find this makes development easier. But there’s a bit more to it. … Continue reading at JayRobinson.org.
Some Notes On iTunes LP
Some Notes On iTunes LP function addHover(e) { x = e.src; x = x.substring(0, x.indexOf(‘.png’)); e.src = x + ‘-hover’ + ‘.png’; } function removeHover(e) { x = e.src; x = x.substring(0, x.indexOf(‘-hover’)); e.src = x + ‘.png’; } It’s clear that I’m pretty excited about iTunes LP. The “deluxe album” format from the iTunes…
iTunes 9 and the Future of WebKit
iTunes 9 and the Future of WebKitAt a Special Media Event on Wednesday morning, Apple unveiled the latest iPods along with a new version of iTunes, version 9. Apple revitalizes their iPods every year, so this was not unexpected. However, what surprised me was what I first attributed to idle commentary: the redesigned iTunes Store…
Today I built my own Coda interface on our Fasturtle development server. It still needs a few things: dynamic screenshots script (perhaps webkit2png) dynamic resizing of thumbnails with slider page curl effect?
Safari/Webkit CSS3 Snippets for TextMate
Safari/Webkit CSS3 Snippets for TextMateWebKitBits: Wishing Line has released an open-source TextMate bundle which assists in writing WebKit specific CSS3 properties: The bundle, which currently contains nearly every new -webkit-prefixed property currently listed in Apple’s Safari/Webkit documentation along with a few snippets of code related to creating and using offline SQLite databases in Webkit is available via the project’s Google…