Tag: webstandards

  • The HTML5 Family: CSS3

    The HTML5 Family: CSS3I added to Ext’s blog series on HTML5 with a post covering CSS3: “Many of the benefits people associate with ‘HTML5’ are actually provided by CSS3 and Javascript. Ultimately, HTML only defines content structure, while Javascript provides behavior and CSS provides presentation. CSS3 builds on the widely supported CSS2.1 spec, and allows…

  • Smokescreen: a Flash player written in Javascript

    Smokescreen: a Flash player written in JavascriptMarco Arment: Via Jim Ray: The Strongbad demo will make you a believer. This thing reads the actual SWF binary and creates native, browser based executions. Explanation from Simon Willison: Chris Smoak’s Smokescreen, “a Flash player written in JavaScript”, is an incredible piece of work. It runs entirely in…

  • HTML5, Now with 20% More Internet!

    HTML5, Now with 20% More Internet!Michael Mullany posted a terrific guide regarding HTML5: all the good stuff, none of the fluff. (Via Ext JS Tumblelog.)

  • Totally rad HTML I just wrote

    Jacob Bijani: Clears an input on focus and refills it on blur with the default value if it’s still empty. Totally localization-friendly, framework-agnostic, and you get to use CSS to style both states! Totally just used this.

  • Adding CSS3 properties to CSSEdit’s auto-completion

    Adding CSS3 properties to CSSEdit’s auto-completionI can’t wait for Coda to support HTML5 and CSS3.

  • CSS3 Spiderman

    CSS3 SpidermanWebKitBits: Anthony Calzadilla recreated a 1967-style Spiderman comic using CSS3 animations. He’s also written a detailed account of the project’s creation.

  • Early Proof That Geolocation Marketing Will Succeed

    Early Proof That Geolocation Marketing Will SucceedPeople wonder what all the fuss is about with Foursquare and Gowalla but I’ve been excited about the potentials of geolocation for years.

  • State of Web Development ripped a new one

    State of Web Development ripped a new oneJoe Hewitt is my hero.

  • Dear Tumblr, Inc…

    Ben Gold: When are you going to make a new audio player? I would love to see an HTML5 video and audio player.

  • catharsis: Should I Make a Flash Site? This one’s an oldie-but-goodie. The discussion re: SEO and accessibility was always a trying one to have, but thankfully, the iPhone/iPad and web technologies have advanced to the point where this is a much easier conversation to have. Site note: I can’t believe no one has this single-serving…

  • Steve Jobs: Thoughts on Flash

    Steve Jobs: Thoughts on Flash Perhaps Adobe should focus more on creating great HTML5 tools for the future, and less on criticizing Apple for leaving the past behind.

  • Seven JavaScript Things I Wish I Knew Much Earlier In My Career

    Seven JavaScript Things I Wish I Knew Much Earlier In My CareerChristian Heilmann knows an awful lot about JavaScript. You might want to listen up.

  • CSS3 Click Chart

    CSS3 Click ChartVery handy quick reference for CSS3, or CSS3-like effects in many browsers including IE. However, it is best viewed in Chrome 4+, Safari 4+, or Firefox 3.6+.

  • Ext JS Tumblelog: Ext Designer has been officially released. Since our original soft release, we’ve had over 40,000 downloads and fixed over 100 bugs. This screencast shows how to create a simple product browser in under five minutes. I published this screencast this afternoon on our Ext JS Blog and the Ext Designer product page.…

  • Creating a Realistic Looking Button with CSS3

    Creating a Realistic Looking Button with CSS3Jay Air has a terrific write-up about CSS3 buttons. He goes in depth to show you what he’s doing and why. These are beautiful buttons–less flashy and more realistic than these “super awesome buttons”. CSS3 now has such momentum that markup like this must be in your latest designs.…