Tag: webstandards

  • HTML Lint

    HTML LintLike JSLint does for JavaScript, HTML Lint does for your HTML code. That is, looks for errors and tidies up. Input via URL, file or copy and paste.

  • CSSDesk is another beautiful web app by Pixelmatrix Design aka Josh Pyles. Josh says to use this when you want to try out some code but you don’t want to fire up a text editor. Might be handy in a pinch, or for beginners. Read more about CSSDesk on Josh’s weblog.

  • Okay, so the HTML5 Test takes care of your favorite browser, but what about the rest of the sorry lot? Recent San Francisco addition Paul Irish has you covered with HTML5 Readiness, which helps you visualize what parts of the spec are covered by which browsers. No surprise to see WebKit leading the way with…

  • The HTML5 Test shows you where your favorite browser fits in with the HTML5 spec. Shown with latest WebKit Nightly.

  • webkitbits: The WebKit Web Inspector has been updated with tons of fantastic features, including three new panels and new inspection tools. The Audits panel shown above is particularly cool. It’s the equivalent of building YSlow into Firebug. The WebKit community has been hard at work. If you want to see how far the Web Inspector…

  • Jonathan Stark: PhoneGap vs Titanium Mobile, et al

    Jonathan Stark: PhoneGap vs Titanium Mobile, et al My general advice to developers is that if you can build your app with standard HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, then you probably should. Jonathan Stark nails it.

  • Detecting iPad with PHP/JS/htaccess

    Detecting iPad with PHP/JS/htaccessDavid Walsh writes how to detect the iPad using PHP, JavaScript and htaccess. As a bonus, here’s how to do it with CSS:

  • The Mobile Web vs. the Objective-C Web

    The Mobile Web vs. the Objective-C Web The central theme of Mobile Web Design was carefully and thoughtfully built on the assumption that the browser will always provide the most consistent, reliable medium for users of web content, and the most open and sustainable platform for developers of the same—all thanks to HTML, CSS, and…

  • Ext JS Tumblelog: Theresa Neil details several aspects of rich internet application screen design, like structure, layout, and UI controls.

  • David and Jacob Waller built a Scrabble-like iPhone app using strictly web technologies: HTML5, JavaScript and CSS3. Read their short write-up about the Golingo app.

  • You might not know it, but the blue beanie stands for web standards. Thanks for following!

  • Probably one of the most common accessibility oversights is neglecting to apply CSS to the :focus state of links whenever you style the :hover state. How much of a problem this oversight leads to for non-mouse users depends on what CSS is applied to the :hover state. Roger Johansson, 456 Berea Street (via 2105)

  • Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.21.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.4 Mobile/7B334b Safari/531.21.10

    iPad user agent string. (Via thijsjacobs.)

  • If you know how to disable JavaScript then you know how to download Firefox. Dean Edwards, in an article about whether HTML5 is production-ready.

  • Why Stylesheet Abstraction Matters

    Why Stylesheet Abstraction Matters “I’ve seen a number of comments on blogs and twitter that amount to ‘You don’t need a new stylesheet syntax, CSS is simple and you’re a moron if you can’t do it.’ I agree, CSS is simple. You assign style primitives to elements and some of those primitives cascade down to…