Tag: writing

  • …to pursue surfing not just as an athletic endeavor or as a sunny day diversion, but to try to glean whatever lessons you can from the practice. It means being aware of your surroundings, and respectful of the people and places that you interact with. It means being patient, mindful, kind, compassionate, understanding, active, thoughtful,…

  • The rest of the world regarded Americans as a mob of barbarians who happened to live on top of a mother lode of precious minerals, fertile land, inexhaustible woodlands and waterways galore … but were as uncouth as they were rich … and spoke in barbaric yawps. This improbable yobbo, Mark Twain, had risen up…

  • The river’s algorithm is simple. At each step, flow down. For the essayist this translates to: flow interesting. Of all the places to go next, choose the most interesting. Paul Graham, The Age of the Essay Excellent writing advice by the inimitable Paul Graham. A must read.

  • Find a subject you care about and which you in your heart feel others should care about. Kurt Vonnegut tells you How To Write With Style I’ve always loved Vonnegut: short and to the point. So many great tips in here, but most importantly, write about what you think about all the time. Your passion…

  • It doesn’t fucking matter! I happen to write in Emacs. I also code in Emacs, which is a nice bonus. Other people write and code in vi. Other people write in Microsoft Word and code in TextMate+ or TextEdit or some fancy web-based collaborative editor like EtherPad or Google Wave. Whatever. Picking the right text…

  • Fedora.net

    Fedora.netAncient writings by John Gruber uncovered.